"POLITRICKS" - The World Curse - image2 http://www.ziddu.com/download/16821458/JUSTICE.jpg.html
"POLITRICKS" - The World Curse - image1 http://www.ziddu.com/download/16821389/6a00d8341bf80c53ef00e54f669fea8834-800wi.jpg.html
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Uses of castor oil !!
Castor Oil Uses during the Early Time
Castor oil has long been used throughout history. It was reportedly used for medicinal purposes in Ancient Egypt and in the early middle Ages in Europe. It was then regarded as a folk medicine.
Edgar Cayce, who authored the Encyclopedia of Healing, said that castor oil supported the healing of the small intestines, particularly the lymphatic tissue – this allowed for tissue growth and repair.
Modern Castor Oil Uses
In the recent centuries, however, natural castor oil (also sometimes referred to as caster oil) was at first identified as a laxative and as a lubricant. Mothers used to feed it to their children as a relief for tummy aches. When taken orally, castor oil helped ease the pain of constipation and mild diarrhea. On the other hand, it was used to lubricate the wheels of wagons and carts. It was also used as an aircraft lubricant during the First World War.
Later into the 20th century, chemical studies have discovered castor oil’s multi-purpose potential. Castor oil and its derivatives are used extensively in:
Medicine – Castor oil benefits the medical world. It is US FDA-approved for use in treating skin disorders. It is also a component of many modern drugs.
Cosmetics – Lipsticks, shampoos and other cosmetic products contain this oil.
Industrial Applications – Castor oil helps in the manufacturing of soaps, plastics, synthetic resins, fibers, paints, varnishes, lubricants, dyes, leather treatments, greases, hydraulic fluids, machining oils, rubbers, and sealants. Certain chemicals such as sebacic acid and undecylenic acid were produced from castor oil.
Food – Food additives and flavorings make use of castor oil ingredients.
Naturopathy – Naturopathic practitioners claim that castor oil helps strengthen the immune system.
Castor oil has long been used throughout history. It was reportedly used for medicinal purposes in Ancient Egypt and in the early middle Ages in Europe. It was then regarded as a folk medicine.
Edgar Cayce, who authored the Encyclopedia of Healing, said that castor oil supported the healing of the small intestines, particularly the lymphatic tissue – this allowed for tissue growth and repair.
Modern Castor Oil Uses
In the recent centuries, however, natural castor oil (also sometimes referred to as caster oil) was at first identified as a laxative and as a lubricant. Mothers used to feed it to their children as a relief for tummy aches. When taken orally, castor oil helped ease the pain of constipation and mild diarrhea. On the other hand, it was used to lubricate the wheels of wagons and carts. It was also used as an aircraft lubricant during the First World War.
Later into the 20th century, chemical studies have discovered castor oil’s multi-purpose potential. Castor oil and its derivatives are used extensively in:
Medicine – Castor oil benefits the medical world. It is US FDA-approved for use in treating skin disorders. It is also a component of many modern drugs.
Cosmetics – Lipsticks, shampoos and other cosmetic products contain this oil.
Industrial Applications – Castor oil helps in the manufacturing of soaps, plastics, synthetic resins, fibers, paints, varnishes, lubricants, dyes, leather treatments, greases, hydraulic fluids, machining oils, rubbers, and sealants. Certain chemicals such as sebacic acid and undecylenic acid were produced from castor oil.
Food – Food additives and flavorings make use of castor oil ingredients.
Naturopathy – Naturopathic practitioners claim that castor oil helps strengthen the immune system.
100 amazing & unknown facts!
Here is something for your light reading:
# Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
# The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
# The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
# Ants never sleep!
# When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
# Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf.
# An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
# “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
# Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
# Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
# Butterflies taste with their feet.
# A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
# It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
# Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
# Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
# No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
# Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.”
# Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
# Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
# The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
# The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.
# The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
# The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
# The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
# Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.
# TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
# You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
# Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton.
# Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
# The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
# A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!
# The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles.
# Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.
# Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster.
# There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”
# If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
# Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
# The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
# By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
# Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed.
# Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
# Sherlock Holmes NEVER said “Elementary, my dear Watson”.
# The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
# Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
# The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.”
# All Polar bears are left-handed.
# In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
# “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”
# Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family.
# Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
# The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”.
# In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10
# Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
# Alfred Nobel, in whose name the Nobel prizes are instituted, was the inventor of dynamite.
# The planet Venus does not tilt, so consequently, it has no seasons. It is the only planet that rotates clock-wise.
# Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.
# The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
# Molecularly speaking, water is actually much drier than sand.
# Human tonsils can bounce higher than a rubber ball of similar weight and size, but only for the first 30 minutes after they’ve been removed.
# US President John F. Kennedy was an accomplished ventriloquist.
# Coca-Cola was originally green.
# Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake.
# Contrary to popular belief, the white is not the healthiest part of an egg. It’s actually the shell.
# Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
# Hot water will turn into ice faster then cold water.
# “Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.
# Like fingerprints, every person’s tongue print is different.
# No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
# The tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only.
# Pumice is the only rock that floats in water.
# Camel’s milk does not curdle.
# Your foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index finger.
# Natural pearls melt in vinegar.
# Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
# The human brain is 80% water.
# Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.
# Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
# The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
# The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
# Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age.
# It takes approximately 2 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey.
# Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
# It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time.
# The letter J does not appear anywhere in the periodic table of the elements.
# The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and placement of the heart.
# Watermelons, which are 92% water, originated from the Kalahari Desert in Africa.
# The hair of some cancer patients treated with chemotherapy can grow back in a different colour, and sometimes even be curly or straight.
# The markings that are found on dice are called “pips.”
# 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
# The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
# Leonardo Da Vinci never signed or dated his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.
# The ampersand (&) was the last letter of the Latin alphabet.
# The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet cannot tan, or grow hair.
# Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.
# Each nostril of a human being registers smell in a different way. Those by the right nostril are more pleasant than the left.
# The longest single-syllable word in the English language is “screeched.”
# The word “Checkmate” in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah-Mat,” which means “the king is dead”.
# Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades – King David, Clubs – Alexander the Great, Hearts – Charlemagne, and Diamonds – Julius Caesar.
# In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered!
# If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
# Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
# The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
# The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
# Ants never sleep!
# When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
# Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf.
# An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
# “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
# Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
# Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
# Butterflies taste with their feet.
# A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
# It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
# Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
# Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
# No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
# Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.”
# Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
# Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
# The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
# The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.
# The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
# The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
# The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
# Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.
# TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
# You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
# Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton.
# Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
# The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
# A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!
# The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles.
# Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.
# Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster.
# There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”
# If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
# Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
# The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
# By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
# Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed.
# Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
# Sherlock Holmes NEVER said “Elementary, my dear Watson”.
# The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
# Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
# The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.”
# All Polar bears are left-handed.
# In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
# “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”
# Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family.
# Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
# The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”.
# In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10
# Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
# Alfred Nobel, in whose name the Nobel prizes are instituted, was the inventor of dynamite.
# The planet Venus does not tilt, so consequently, it has no seasons. It is the only planet that rotates clock-wise.
# Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.
# The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
# Molecularly speaking, water is actually much drier than sand.
# Human tonsils can bounce higher than a rubber ball of similar weight and size, but only for the first 30 minutes after they’ve been removed.
# US President John F. Kennedy was an accomplished ventriloquist.
# Coca-Cola was originally green.
# Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake.
# Contrary to popular belief, the white is not the healthiest part of an egg. It’s actually the shell.
# Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
# Hot water will turn into ice faster then cold water.
# “Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.
# Like fingerprints, every person’s tongue print is different.
# No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
# The tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only.
# Pumice is the only rock that floats in water.
# Camel’s milk does not curdle.
# Your foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index finger.
# Natural pearls melt in vinegar.
# Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
# The human brain is 80% water.
# Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.
# Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
# The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
# The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
# Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age.
# It takes approximately 2 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey.
# Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
# It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time.
# The letter J does not appear anywhere in the periodic table of the elements.
# The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and placement of the heart.
# Watermelons, which are 92% water, originated from the Kalahari Desert in Africa.
# The hair of some cancer patients treated with chemotherapy can grow back in a different colour, and sometimes even be curly or straight.
# The markings that are found on dice are called “pips.”
# 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
# The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
# Leonardo Da Vinci never signed or dated his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.
# The ampersand (&) was the last letter of the Latin alphabet.
# The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet cannot tan, or grow hair.
# Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.
# Each nostril of a human being registers smell in a different way. Those by the right nostril are more pleasant than the left.
# The longest single-syllable word in the English language is “screeched.”
# The word “Checkmate” in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah-Mat,” which means “the king is dead”.
# Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades – King David, Clubs – Alexander the Great, Hearts – Charlemagne, and Diamonds – Julius Caesar.
# In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered!
# If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
100 amazing & unknown facts!
Here is something for your light reading:
# Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
# The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
# The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
# Ants never sleep!
# When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
# Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf.
# An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
# “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
# Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
# Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
# Butterflies taste with their feet.
# A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
# It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
# Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
# Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
# No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
# Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.”
# Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
# Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
# The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
# The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.
# The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
# The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
# The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
# Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.
# TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
# You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
# Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton.
# Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
# The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
# A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!
# The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles.
# Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.
# Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster.
# There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”
# If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
# Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
# The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
# By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
# Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed.
# Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
# Sherlock Holmes NEVER said “Elementary, my dear Watson”.
# The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
# Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
# The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.”
# All Polar bears are left-handed.
# In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
# “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”
# Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family.
# Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
# The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”.
# In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10
# Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
# Alfred Nobel, in whose name the Nobel prizes are instituted, was the inventor of dynamite.
# The planet Venus does not tilt, so consequently, it has no seasons. It is the only planet that rotates clock-wise.
# Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.
# The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
# Molecularly speaking, water is actually much drier than sand.
# Human tonsils can bounce higher than a rubber ball of similar weight and size, but only for the first 30 minutes after they’ve been removed.
# US President John F. Kennedy was an accomplished ventriloquist.
# Coca-Cola was originally green.
# Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake.
# Contrary to popular belief, the white is not the healthiest part of an egg. It’s actually the shell.
# Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
# Hot water will turn into ice faster then cold water.
# “Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.
# Like fingerprints, every person’s tongue print is different.
# No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
# The tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only.
# Pumice is the only rock that floats in water.
# Camel’s milk does not curdle.
# Your foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index finger.
# Natural pearls melt in vinegar.
# Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
# The human brain is 80% water.
# Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.
# Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
# The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
# The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
# Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age.
# It takes approximately 2 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey.
# Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
# It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time.
# The letter J does not appear anywhere in the periodic table of the elements.
# The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and placement of the heart.
# Watermelons, which are 92% water, originated from the Kalahari Desert in Africa.
# The hair of some cancer patients treated with chemotherapy can grow back in a different colour, and sometimes even be curly or straight.
# The markings that are found on dice are called “pips.”
# 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
# The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
# Leonardo Da Vinci never signed or dated his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.
# The ampersand (&) was the last letter of the Latin alphabet.
# The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet cannot tan, or grow hair.
# Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.
# Each nostril of a human being registers smell in a different way. Those by the right nostril are more pleasant than the left.
# The longest single-syllable word in the English language is “screeched.”
# The word “Checkmate” in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah-Mat,” which means “the king is dead”.
# Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades – King David, Clubs – Alexander the Great, Hearts – Charlemagne, and Diamonds – Julius Caesar.
# In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered!
# If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
# Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
# The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
# The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
# Ants never sleep!
# When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
# Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never called his wife or mother because they were both deaf.
# An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
# “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
# Babies are born without knee caps – actually, they’re made of cartilage and the bone hardens between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
# Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
# Butterflies taste with their feet.
# A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
# It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
# Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
# Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
# No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
# Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.”
# Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
# Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
# The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
# The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.
# The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
# The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
# The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
# Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.
# TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
# You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
# Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton.
# Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
# The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
# A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. No one knows why!
# The “spot” on the 7-Up comes from its inventor who had red eyes – he was an albino. ’7′ was because the original containers were 7 ounces and ‘UP’ indicated the direction of the bubbles.
# Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.
# Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster.
# There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”
# If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
# Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
# The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
# By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
# Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed.
# Charlie Chaplin once won the third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
# Sherlock Holmes NEVER said “Elementary, my dear Watson”.
# The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.
# Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
# The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is “feedback.”
# All Polar bears are left-handed.
# In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
# “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.”
# Almonds are a member of the peach family, and apples belong to the rose family.
# Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
# The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”.
# In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10
# Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
# Alfred Nobel, in whose name the Nobel prizes are instituted, was the inventor of dynamite.
# The planet Venus does not tilt, so consequently, it has no seasons. It is the only planet that rotates clock-wise.
# Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.
# The word “set” has more definitions than any other word in the English language.
# Molecularly speaking, water is actually much drier than sand.
# Human tonsils can bounce higher than a rubber ball of similar weight and size, but only for the first 30 minutes after they’ve been removed.
# US President John F. Kennedy was an accomplished ventriloquist.
# Coca-Cola was originally green.
# Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake.
# Contrary to popular belief, the white is not the healthiest part of an egg. It’s actually the shell.
# Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
# Hot water will turn into ice faster then cold water.
# “Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.
# Like fingerprints, every person’s tongue print is different.
# No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
# The tongue is the only muscle that is attached from one end only.
# Pumice is the only rock that floats in water.
# Camel’s milk does not curdle.
# Your foot is the same length as your forearm, and your thumb is the same length as your nose. Also, the length of your lips is the same as the index finger.
# Natural pearls melt in vinegar.
# Buttermilk does not contain any butter.
# The human brain is 80% water.
# Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left.
# Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
# The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt holds a constant temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
# The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
# Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age.
# It takes approximately 2 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey.
# Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
# It is physically impossible to urinate and give blood at the same time.
# The letter J does not appear anywhere in the periodic table of the elements.
# The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and placement of the heart.
# Watermelons, which are 92% water, originated from the Kalahari Desert in Africa.
# The hair of some cancer patients treated with chemotherapy can grow back in a different colour, and sometimes even be curly or straight.
# The markings that are found on dice are called “pips.”
# 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
# The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
# Leonardo Da Vinci never signed or dated his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.
# The ampersand (&) was the last letter of the Latin alphabet.
# The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet cannot tan, or grow hair.
# Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.
# Each nostril of a human being registers smell in a different way. Those by the right nostril are more pleasant than the left.
# The longest single-syllable word in the English language is “screeched.”
# The word “Checkmate” in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah-Mat,” which means “the king is dead”.
# Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades – King David, Clubs – Alexander the Great, Hearts – Charlemagne, and Diamonds – Julius Caesar.
# In Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered!
# If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
Some Youth Too Immature to Stand Trial, Experts Say
ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2011) — Research from Aaron Kivisto, clinical psychology program graduate at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and current post-doctoral fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital; Todd Moore, assistant professor of psychology at UT; and Bruce Seidner, clinical assistant professor in the psychology clinic at UT, found that unlike adults, most children and adolescents who are found incompetent to stand trial are not psychotic; rather, they have cognitive impairments. And, they are often too immature to understand the magnitude of the situation.
In a study recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Kivisto, Moore and Seidner found that a major contributor to maturity is "future orientation," or the ability of young people to take long-range consequences into account when making decisions. The authors theorize one reason young people are ill-equipped to be defendants in court is because they are present-focused and lack a more mature perspective on the future.
"When we're teenagers, we're focused on short-term consequences," said Kivisto. "Teens think about what might happen later today if they do something. Because courts can impose consequences that can affect someone's life for years, it appears that adolescents approach these longer-term and very serious implications blindly."
Testing the influence of future orientation on competency to stand trial, the researchers found that the well-established relationship between age and competency is partly explained by a child's degree of future orientation.
The researchers also found that competency is particularly "fragile" in immature children. In other words, children require less of a deficiency in their cognitive ability to have an impact on their competency in the courtroom than their adult, more mature peers.
For adolescents, the deficits can be much more subtle and easily undetected. The researchers hope their findings have an impact in the courtroom.
"Given the long-lasting consequences faced by adolescents in the courtroom, these findings suggest that forensic evaluators should give increased attention to the often neglected role of normal immaturity on adolescents' competence to stand trial and to appreciate these unique aspects of young defendants," said Kivisto.
Indeed, developmental maturity is a factor gaining greater attention from courts and legislatures. States such as California already require juvenile competency evaluators to assess developmental maturity.
In a study recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Kivisto, Moore and Seidner found that a major contributor to maturity is "future orientation," or the ability of young people to take long-range consequences into account when making decisions. The authors theorize one reason young people are ill-equipped to be defendants in court is because they are present-focused and lack a more mature perspective on the future.
"When we're teenagers, we're focused on short-term consequences," said Kivisto. "Teens think about what might happen later today if they do something. Because courts can impose consequences that can affect someone's life for years, it appears that adolescents approach these longer-term and very serious implications blindly."
Testing the influence of future orientation on competency to stand trial, the researchers found that the well-established relationship between age and competency is partly explained by a child's degree of future orientation.
The researchers also found that competency is particularly "fragile" in immature children. In other words, children require less of a deficiency in their cognitive ability to have an impact on their competency in the courtroom than their adult, more mature peers.
For adolescents, the deficits can be much more subtle and easily undetected. The researchers hope their findings have an impact in the courtroom.
"Given the long-lasting consequences faced by adolescents in the courtroom, these findings suggest that forensic evaluators should give increased attention to the often neglected role of normal immaturity on adolescents' competence to stand trial and to appreciate these unique aspects of young defendants," said Kivisto.
Indeed, developmental maturity is a factor gaining greater attention from courts and legislatures. States such as California already require juvenile competency evaluators to assess developmental maturity.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Why Sleeping Late At Night Is Bad !!
What time do you usually go to bed at night? Sleeping late at night has become the trend in our culture today, but please bear in mind that our basic physiology has never changed at all from the days of our ancestors. We still need 7-8 hours of sleep a night minimum, but there’s more to it. We can’t be sleeping late either. Which is why I’m TRYING hard to sleep earlier and below I outline why I think sleeping late is bad.
I have been going to bed at around 2 AM. I have been sleeping at this time for the past few years, and many times, it was even later than that! Now I realize why it’s bad to be sleeping so late. Apparently, when you sleep late, your body unleashes a ton of destructive hormones like cortisol, into your bloodstream. Cortisol is a stress hormone; too much of it, and it can seriously affect your cell health. This explains why all this while, after 12 AM, my body always felt increasingly “wasted.” Not just sleepiness, but a general sense of lethargy seeping through my entire body.
When you force your body to stay up in the wee hours of the morning, your body reacts by releasing a lot more cortisol into your bloodstream. This influx of cortisol is exactly what you don’t need. Cortisol increases blood pressure, weakens the immune system, slows down growth and cell renewal, and interferes with sleep by reducing serotonin levels. Some authorities even call cortisol the “death hormone.” Now that’s why doctors have been saying getting less sleep increases your mortality rate!
Also, going to sleep late disrupts the production of melatonin. As we know, melatonin production is in full swing after midnight. Therefore, if you don’t get into bed, you’re basically telling your body to produce less melatonin, and this can affect your circadian rhythm in many ways. It is akin to jet lag in many respects, but just imagine doing this every night, and you should know the answer.
Another aspect of sleeping late comes from the spiritual standpoint. I found it interesting to read that ghosts or demons are all out in full force during the “witching hours,” which most authorities say starts from 12-3 AM. Hmmm, hallucinations are often a byproduct of prolonged sleeplessness, so could they be related? Could it be, some of those apparitions are indeed caused by hallucinations due to not sleeping?
When I read the horrid experiences of people who have very bad insomnia, I often tend to think that those who can sleep normally but make it a habit of sleeping late; these are the ones who don’t really appreciate what they’ve got. Sleep is a precious thing indeed, and no amount of modernization in our society or culture can change its importance in our lives. So please, whatever it takes, go to bed early and try to get enough sleep. That’s what I’m trying to do now. No more going to bed after midnight if I can really help it.
I have been going to bed at around 2 AM. I have been sleeping at this time for the past few years, and many times, it was even later than that! Now I realize why it’s bad to be sleeping so late. Apparently, when you sleep late, your body unleashes a ton of destructive hormones like cortisol, into your bloodstream. Cortisol is a stress hormone; too much of it, and it can seriously affect your cell health. This explains why all this while, after 12 AM, my body always felt increasingly “wasted.” Not just sleepiness, but a general sense of lethargy seeping through my entire body.
When you force your body to stay up in the wee hours of the morning, your body reacts by releasing a lot more cortisol into your bloodstream. This influx of cortisol is exactly what you don’t need. Cortisol increases blood pressure, weakens the immune system, slows down growth and cell renewal, and interferes with sleep by reducing serotonin levels. Some authorities even call cortisol the “death hormone.” Now that’s why doctors have been saying getting less sleep increases your mortality rate!
Also, going to sleep late disrupts the production of melatonin. As we know, melatonin production is in full swing after midnight. Therefore, if you don’t get into bed, you’re basically telling your body to produce less melatonin, and this can affect your circadian rhythm in many ways. It is akin to jet lag in many respects, but just imagine doing this every night, and you should know the answer.
Another aspect of sleeping late comes from the spiritual standpoint. I found it interesting to read that ghosts or demons are all out in full force during the “witching hours,” which most authorities say starts from 12-3 AM. Hmmm, hallucinations are often a byproduct of prolonged sleeplessness, so could they be related? Could it be, some of those apparitions are indeed caused by hallucinations due to not sleeping?
When I read the horrid experiences of people who have very bad insomnia, I often tend to think that those who can sleep normally but make it a habit of sleeping late; these are the ones who don’t really appreciate what they’ve got. Sleep is a precious thing indeed, and no amount of modernization in our society or culture can change its importance in our lives. So please, whatever it takes, go to bed early and try to get enough sleep. That’s what I’m trying to do now. No more going to bed after midnight if I can really help it.
Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Sex
Sex is one of life’s pleasures and it is practiced by most people at least once in their lifetime. This list takes a look at some more unusual facts about sex and sex related topics. Feel free to add your own interesting facts to the comments.
Fascinating Fact: Sexual acts lead to weight loss
The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.
Pubic Wigs
Fascinating Fact: In Victorian times, whores wore pubic wigs
The pubic wig (merkin) has been around since the 1400s when it was originally worn by women who had shaved their pubic hair off to prevent lice. In the Victorian times it was frequently worn by prostitutes who wanted to conceal the fact that they had diseases like syphilis (Honest – we aren’t merkin’ this up). They are also used in the film industry to conceal actors genitals in nude scenes.
Fascinating Fact: Condoms were originally made of animal intestines or linen
In Asia before the fifteenth century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn (ouch). In the 16th century, condoms were often made with linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to dry before use. The cloths were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a ribbon. Pictured above is an animal intestine condom from the early 1900s.
Not Tonight Josephine
Fascinating Fact: Sex cures headaches
Next time your significant other refuses your advances by claiming to have a headache, remember this fact: the sex act can help to cure a headache. Sex causes the body to release endorphins which naturally reduce the pain of a headache.
Skin Care
Fascinating Fact: Sperm is good for the skin
The proteins in sperm have a tightening effect on the skin. When sperm is left to dry, the evaporation of the water in it leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. While this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face.
Pubic Hair
Fascinating Fact: Pubic hair is programmed to grow a certain amount
All hair on the body is controlled by a “growth program” which determines the growth duration (and consequently the length) of hair. Pubic hair has a shorter growth duration (on average just a few months) compared to hair on the head. This is what stops pubic hair growing to unmanageable lengths.
Blowsy Gal
Fascinating Fact: The term “blow job” comes from the Victorian times
In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy”. At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation. Consequently, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job. It was also used to describe jet planes in World War Two. In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute”.
Male Porn
Fascinating Fact: Men looking at male porn produce more sperm
Studies have shown that men who looked at porn of two men and one woman produced more sperm than those who looked at just women. Scientists speculate that seeing competition makes men step up their baby-making capacities.
Sex For Fun
Fascinating Fact: Humans aren’t the only creatures to have sex for fun.
Humans aren’t the only members of the animal kingdom that have sex just for fun. Dolphins and Bonobo chimps have also been observed engaging in sexual activity, when they are not in their natural reproductive cycles. With the exception of a pair of Cohan gorillas observed doing so, bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding. Interestingly, Bonobo chimps also play and experience joy like humans.
Animal Prostitution
Fascinating Fact: Some female penguins engage in prostitution
Believe it or not, in the wild, certain female penguins (even when in a committed relationship) will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests. According to Dr Fiona Hunter (a zoologist): “It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.” On some occasions the prostitute penguins trick the males. They carry out the elaborate courtship ritual, which usually leads to mating. Having bagged their stone, they would then run off.
Fascinating Fact: Sexual acts lead to weight loss
The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.
Pubic Wigs
Fascinating Fact: In Victorian times, whores wore pubic wigs
The pubic wig (merkin) has been around since the 1400s when it was originally worn by women who had shaved their pubic hair off to prevent lice. In the Victorian times it was frequently worn by prostitutes who wanted to conceal the fact that they had diseases like syphilis (Honest – we aren’t merkin’ this up). They are also used in the film industry to conceal actors genitals in nude scenes.
Fascinating Fact: Condoms were originally made of animal intestines or linen
In Asia before the fifteenth century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn (ouch). In the 16th century, condoms were often made with linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to dry before use. The cloths were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a ribbon. Pictured above is an animal intestine condom from the early 1900s.
Not Tonight Josephine
Fascinating Fact: Sex cures headaches
Next time your significant other refuses your advances by claiming to have a headache, remember this fact: the sex act can help to cure a headache. Sex causes the body to release endorphins which naturally reduce the pain of a headache.
Skin Care
Fascinating Fact: Sperm is good for the skin
The proteins in sperm have a tightening effect on the skin. When sperm is left to dry, the evaporation of the water in it leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. While this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face.
Pubic Hair
Fascinating Fact: Pubic hair is programmed to grow a certain amount
All hair on the body is controlled by a “growth program” which determines the growth duration (and consequently the length) of hair. Pubic hair has a shorter growth duration (on average just a few months) compared to hair on the head. This is what stops pubic hair growing to unmanageable lengths.
Blowsy Gal
Fascinating Fact: The term “blow job” comes from the Victorian times
In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy”. At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation. Consequently, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job. It was also used to describe jet planes in World War Two. In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute”.
Male Porn
Fascinating Fact: Men looking at male porn produce more sperm
Studies have shown that men who looked at porn of two men and one woman produced more sperm than those who looked at just women. Scientists speculate that seeing competition makes men step up their baby-making capacities.
Sex For Fun
Fascinating Fact: Humans aren’t the only creatures to have sex for fun.
Humans aren’t the only members of the animal kingdom that have sex just for fun. Dolphins and Bonobo chimps have also been observed engaging in sexual activity, when they are not in their natural reproductive cycles. With the exception of a pair of Cohan gorillas observed doing so, bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding. Interestingly, Bonobo chimps also play and experience joy like humans.
Animal Prostitution
Fascinating Fact: Some female penguins engage in prostitution
Believe it or not, in the wild, certain female penguins (even when in a committed relationship) will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests. According to Dr Fiona Hunter (a zoologist): “It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.” On some occasions the prostitute penguins trick the males. They carry out the elaborate courtship ritual, which usually leads to mating. Having bagged their stone, they would then run off.
Random Facts About Marijuana
Marijuana is created from the dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.
Marijuana is the most common illegal drug used in the United States. Approximately 100 million Americans have tried marijuana at least once, and more than 25 million have smoked it in the last year.
According to one national survey on drug use, each day approximately 6,000 Americans try marijuana for the first time.
Worldwide, it is estimated that about 162 million adults use marijuana at least once per year, and 22.5 million use the drug daily.
After alcohol, marijuana is the most popular drug worldwide
After alcohol, marijuana is the most popular recreational or mood-altering drug used worldwide.g
Just under 40% of high school students in the U.S. report using marijuana at least once in their life, and 20% report using it regularly.
According to one report, it would take 800 joints to kill a person—but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning.
There are over 200 slang terms for marijuana in the popular vernacular. Some of the more common nicknames include pot, grass, weed, hash, and ganja.b
The international and scientific name for marijuana is cannabis. However, the substance is most commonly called marijuana within the United States.b
The name marijuana comes from a Mexican slang term for cannabis and is believed to have derived from the Spanish pronunciation of the names Mary and Jane. (The two names were also common Mexican military slang for a prostitute or brothel.) Marijuana came into popularity as a name for cannabis in the U.S. during the late 1800s.b
The cannabis plant can grow in nearly any environment and averages one to two inches of growth per day and up to 18 feet total in ideal conditions.a
The primary active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol). It is this chemical that produces marijuana’s mind-altering effects.a
The psychoactive side effects of THC in small doses include loss of inhibition, elation, and a
distorted sense of time. The drug can also cause increased visual sensitivity and heightened imagination.
Depending upon the weather conditions, soil type, and time of harvest for a cannabis plant, as well as the specific mixture of dried leaves and flowers in the marijuana product, a sample of marijuana can contain anywhere from 3% to 20% THC.b
Cannabis seeds were used as a food source in China as early as 6000 B.C.a
Marijuana was first used as a medicinal drug in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung
The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung. The emperor documented the drug’s effectiveness in treating the pains of rheumatism and gout.
The first law in the American colonies regarding marijuana was a 1619 law that actually required farmers to grow the hemp plant. Once harvested, hemp was useful for clothing, sails, and rope.b
During the temperance movement of the 1890s, marijuana was commonly recommended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did.
Marijuana was first severely restricted as a recreational and medicinal drug in the U.S. by the
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. The law did not prohibit marijuana use but imposed such a heavy tax that legal sale and use became nearly impossible.b
In October of 1937, Samuel Caldwell was the first U.S. citizen arrested under the Marihuana Tax Act for selling marijuana without paying the newly mandated tax. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to four years of hard labor in Leavenworth.
Prior to its ban, hemp was a staple cash crop of the family farm in early America. The first two drafts of the United States Declaration of Independence were written on paper made from hemp.e
The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 made it illegal to possess, use, buy, sell, or cultivate marijuana in the United States. The law classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no acceptable medical use.
Marijuana production and trafficking make up the world’s largest drug market and the substance can be grown in almost every country. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC) has data on 172 countries and territories known to grow marijuana.
Paraguay is believed to be the world’s largest producer of marijuana.According to the UNODC, there are several countries worldwide where greater than 8% of the population are said to use marijuana. Among those countries are the United States, Canada, England, Spain, France, South Africa, and New Zealand.
In 2007, nearly 900,000 arrests for marijuana violations were made in the United States. Approximately 90% of offenders charged with marijuana-related crimes were arrested for possession only.
Marijuana was easily obtained at the local grocery store or pharmacy until the early 1940s
From 1850 to 1942, marijuana was listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia as a useful medicine for nausea, rheumatism, and labor pains and was easily obtained at the local general store or pharmacy.
Current supporters of medical marijuana believe the drug has significant medical value for patients who suffer from AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain. Several studies have been published to support and document this belief.
In 2003, Canada became the first country in the world to offer medical marijuana to pain-suffering patients.
In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to legally allow medical marijuana for patients with a valid doctor’s recommendation.
While marijuana is still a controlled substance under federal law, 13 U.S. states currently have compassionate use laws in place, which allow for regulated medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MI, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. An additional 17 states and the District of Columbia have legislated to recognize the value of medical marijuana but do not protect users from federal prosecution.c
-- Posted February 27, 2009. Updated March 2, 2010.
Marijuana is the most common illegal drug used in the United States. Approximately 100 million Americans have tried marijuana at least once, and more than 25 million have smoked it in the last year.
According to one national survey on drug use, each day approximately 6,000 Americans try marijuana for the first time.
Worldwide, it is estimated that about 162 million adults use marijuana at least once per year, and 22.5 million use the drug daily.
After alcohol, marijuana is the most popular drug worldwide
After alcohol, marijuana is the most popular recreational or mood-altering drug used worldwide.g
Just under 40% of high school students in the U.S. report using marijuana at least once in their life, and 20% report using it regularly.
According to one report, it would take 800 joints to kill a person—but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning.
There are over 200 slang terms for marijuana in the popular vernacular. Some of the more common nicknames include pot, grass, weed, hash, and ganja.b
The international and scientific name for marijuana is cannabis. However, the substance is most commonly called marijuana within the United States.b
The name marijuana comes from a Mexican slang term for cannabis and is believed to have derived from the Spanish pronunciation of the names Mary and Jane. (The two names were also common Mexican military slang for a prostitute or brothel.) Marijuana came into popularity as a name for cannabis in the U.S. during the late 1800s.b
The cannabis plant can grow in nearly any environment and averages one to two inches of growth per day and up to 18 feet total in ideal conditions.a
The primary active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol). It is this chemical that produces marijuana’s mind-altering effects.a
The psychoactive side effects of THC in small doses include loss of inhibition, elation, and a
distorted sense of time. The drug can also cause increased visual sensitivity and heightened imagination.
Depending upon the weather conditions, soil type, and time of harvest for a cannabis plant, as well as the specific mixture of dried leaves and flowers in the marijuana product, a sample of marijuana can contain anywhere from 3% to 20% THC.b
Cannabis seeds were used as a food source in China as early as 6000 B.C.a
Marijuana was first used as a medicinal drug in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung
The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung. The emperor documented the drug’s effectiveness in treating the pains of rheumatism and gout.
The first law in the American colonies regarding marijuana was a 1619 law that actually required farmers to grow the hemp plant. Once harvested, hemp was useful for clothing, sails, and rope.b
During the temperance movement of the 1890s, marijuana was commonly recommended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did.
Marijuana was first severely restricted as a recreational and medicinal drug in the U.S. by the
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. The law did not prohibit marijuana use but imposed such a heavy tax that legal sale and use became nearly impossible.b
In October of 1937, Samuel Caldwell was the first U.S. citizen arrested under the Marihuana Tax Act for selling marijuana without paying the newly mandated tax. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to four years of hard labor in Leavenworth.
Prior to its ban, hemp was a staple cash crop of the family farm in early America. The first two drafts of the United States Declaration of Independence were written on paper made from hemp.e
The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 made it illegal to possess, use, buy, sell, or cultivate marijuana in the United States. The law classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no acceptable medical use.
Marijuana production and trafficking make up the world’s largest drug market and the substance can be grown in almost every country. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC) has data on 172 countries and territories known to grow marijuana.
Paraguay is believed to be the world’s largest producer of marijuana.According to the UNODC, there are several countries worldwide where greater than 8% of the population are said to use marijuana. Among those countries are the United States, Canada, England, Spain, France, South Africa, and New Zealand.
In 2007, nearly 900,000 arrests for marijuana violations were made in the United States. Approximately 90% of offenders charged with marijuana-related crimes were arrested for possession only.
Marijuana was easily obtained at the local grocery store or pharmacy until the early 1940s
From 1850 to 1942, marijuana was listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia as a useful medicine for nausea, rheumatism, and labor pains and was easily obtained at the local general store or pharmacy.
Current supporters of medical marijuana believe the drug has significant medical value for patients who suffer from AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain. Several studies have been published to support and document this belief.
In 2003, Canada became the first country in the world to offer medical marijuana to pain-suffering patients.
In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to legally allow medical marijuana for patients with a valid doctor’s recommendation.
While marijuana is still a controlled substance under federal law, 13 U.S. states currently have compassionate use laws in place, which allow for regulated medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MI, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. An additional 17 states and the District of Columbia have legislated to recognize the value of medical marijuana but do not protect users from federal prosecution.c
-- Posted February 27, 2009. Updated March 2, 2010.
Is The War On Terror A Hoax?
Paul Craig Roberts
Prison Planet.com
Friday, September 30, 2011
In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the “war on terror.” Washington’s attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations and infrastructure and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.
Moreover the wars and military attacks have cost American taxpayers in out-of-pocket and already-incurred future costs at least $4,000 billion dollars–one third of the accumulated public debt–resulting in a US deficit crisis that threatens the social safety net, the value of the US dollar and its reserve currency role, while enriching beyond all previous history the military/security complex and its apologists.
Perhaps the highest cost of Washington’s “war on terror” has been paid by the US Constitution and civil liberties. Any US citizen that Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and constitutional rights. The Bush-Cheney-Obama regimes have overturned humanity’s greatest achievement–the accountability of government to law.
If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find. Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government’s improbable conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative program at the University of California discovered that the domestic “terror plots” hyped in the media were plotted by FBI agents. http://rt.com/usa/news/fbi-terror-report-plot-365-899/
FBI undercover agents now number 15,000, ten times their number during the protests against the Vietnam war when protesters were suspected of communist sympathies. As there apparently are no real terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by thinking up “terror plots” and finding some deranged individuals to ensnare. For example, the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York city subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents.
RT reports that only three plots might have been independent of the FBI, but as none of the three worked they obviously were not the work of such a professional terror organization as Al Qaeda is purported to be. The Times Square car bomb didn’t blow up, and apparently could not have.
The latest FBI sting ensnared a Boston man, Rezwan Ferdaus, who is accused of planning to attack the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes packed with C-4 explosives. US Attorney Carmen Ortiz assured Americans that they were never in danger, because the FBI’s undercover agents were in control of the plot. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/story/2011-09-28/DC-terrorist-plot-drone/50593792/1
Ferdaus’ FBI-organized plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes has produced charges that he provided “material support to a terrorist organization” and plotted to destroy federal buildings–the most serious charge which carries 20 imprisoned years for each targeted building.
What is the terrorist organization that Ferdaus is serving? Surely not al Qaeda, which allegedly outwitted all 16 US intelligence services, all intelligence services of America’s NATO and Israeli allies, NORAD, the National Security Council, Air Traffic Control, Dick Cheney, and US airport security four times in one hour on the same morning. Such a highly capable terror organization would not be involved in such nonsense as a plot to blow up the Pentagon with a model airplane.
As an American who was in public service for a number of years and who has always stood up for the Constitution, a patriot’s duty, I must hope that the question has already popped into readers’ minds why we are expected to believe that a tiny model airplane is capable of blowing up the Pentagon when a 757 airliner loaded with jet fuel was incapable of doing the job, merely making a hole not big enough for an airliner.
When I observe the gullibility of my fellow citizens at the absurd “terror plots” that the US government manufactures, it causes me to realize that fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for advancing an undeclared agenda. If Ferdaus is brought to trial, no doubt a jury will convict him of a plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes. Most likely he will be tortured or coerced into a plea bargain.
Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that they suffer no remorse from “their” government’s murder and dislocation of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion “towel-heads” have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be exterminated. The US is on its way to a holocaust that makes the terrors Jews faced from National Socialism into a mere precursor.
Think about this: Are not you amazed that after a decade (2.5 times the length of WW II) of killing Muslims and destroying families and their prospects in six countries there are no real terrorist events in the US?
Think for a minute how easy terrorism would be in the US if there were any terrorists. Would an Al Qaeda terrorist from the organization that allegedly pulled off 9/11–the most humiliating defeat ever suffered by a Western power, much less “the world’s only superpower”–still in the face of all the screening be trying to hijack an airliner or to blow one up?
Surely not when there are so many totally soft targets. If America were really infected with a “terrorist threat,” a terrorist would merely get in the massive lines awaiting to clear airport “security” and set off his bomb. It would kill far more people than could be achieved by blowing up an airliner, and it would make it completely clear that “airport security” meant no one was safe.
It would be child’s play for terrorists to blow up electric sub-stations as no one is there, nothing but a chain link fence. It would be easy for terrorists to blow up shopping centers. It would be easy for terrorists to dump boxes of roofing nails on congested streets and freeways during rush hours, tying up main transportation arteries for days. Before, dear reader, you accuse me of giving terrorists ideas, do you really think that these ideas would not already have occurred to terrorists capable of pulling off 9/11?
But nothing happens. So the FBI arrests a guy for planning to blow up America with a model airplane. It is really depressing how many Americans will believe this.
Consider also that American neoconservatives, who have orchestrated the “war on terror,” have no protection whatsoever and that the Secret Service protection of Bush and Cheney is minimal. If America really faced a terrorist threat, especially one so professional to have brought off 9/11, every neoconservative along with Bush and Cheney could be assassinated within one hour on one morning or one evening.
The fact that neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, William Kristol, Libby, Addington, et. al., live unprotected and free of fear is proof that America faces no terrorist threat.
Think now about the airliner shoe-bomb plot, the shampoo-bottled water plot, and the underwear-bomb plot. Experts, other than the whores hired by the US government, say that these plots are nonsensical. The “shoe bomb” and “underwear bomb” were colored fireworks powders incapable of blowing up a tin can. The liquid bomb, allegedly mixed up in an airliner toilet room, has been dismissed by experts as fantasy.
What is the purpose of these fake plots? And remember, all reports confirm that the “underwear bomber” was walked onto the airliner by an official, despite the fact that the “underwear bomber” had no passport. No investigation was ever conducted by the FBI, CIA, or anyone into why a passenger without a passport was allowed on an international flight.
The purpose of these make-believe plots is to raise the fear level and to create the opportunity for former Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff to make a fortune selling porno-scanners to the TSA.
The result of these hyped “terrorist plots” is that every American citizen, even those with high government positions and security clearances, cannot board a commercial airline flight without taking off his shoes, his jacket, his belt, submitting to a porno-scanner, or being sexually groped. Nothing could make it plainer that “airport security” cannot tell a Muslim terrorist from a gung-ho American patriot, a US Senator, a US Marine general, or a CIA operative.
If a passenger requires for health or other reasons quantities of liquids and cremes beyond the limits imposed on toothpaste, shampoo, food, or medications, the passenger must obtain prior approval from TSA, which seldom works. One of America’s finest moments is the case, documented on UTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires special food, having her food thrown away by the gestapo TSA despite the written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair left alone in the airport.
This is Amerika today. These assaults on innocent citizens are justified by the mindless right-wing as “protecting us against terrorism,” a “threat” that all evidence shows is nonexistent.
No American is secure today. I am a former staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. I required high security clearances as I had access to information pertaining to all US weapons programs. As chief economist of the House Budget Committee I had information pertaining to the US military and security budgets. As Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, I was provided every morning with the CIA’s briefing of the President as well as with endless security information.
When I left the Treasury, President Reagan appointed me to a super-secret committee to investigate the CIA’s assessment of Soviet capability. Afterwords I was a consult to the Pentagon. I had every kind of security clearance.
Despite my record of highest security clearances and US government confidence in me including confirmation by the US Senate in a presidential appointment, the airline police cannot tell me from a terrorist.
If I were into model airplanes or attending anti-war demonstrations, little doubt I, too, would be arrested.
After my public service in the last quarter of the 20th century, I experienced during the first decade of the 21st century all of America’s achievements, despite their blemishes, being erased. In their place was erected a monstrous desire for hegemony and highly concentrated wealth. Most of my friends and my fellow citizens in general are incapable of recognizing America’s transformation into a warmonger police state that has the worst income distribution of any developed country.
It is extraordinary that so many Americans, citizens of the world’s only superpower, actually believe that they are threatened by Muslim peoples who have no unity, no navy, no air force, no nuclear weapons, no missiles capable of reaching across the oceans.
Indeed, large percentages of these “threat populations,” especially among the young, are enamored of the sexual freedom that exists in America. Even the Iranian dupes of the CIA-orchestrated “Green Revolution” have forgotten Washington’s overthrow of their elected government in the 1950s. Despite America’s decade-long abusive military actions against Muslim peoples, many Muslims still look to America for their salvation.
Their “leaders” are simply bought off with large sums of money.
With the “terrorist threat” and Al Qaeda deflated with President Obama’s alleged assassination of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was left unprotected and unarmed by his “world-wide terrorist organization,” Washington has come up with a new bogyman–the Haqqanis.
According to John Glaser and anonymous CIA officials, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen “exaggerated” the case against the Haqqani insurgent group when he claimed, setting up a US invasion of Pakistan, that the Hagganis were an operating arm of the Pakistan government’s secret service, the ISI. Adm. Mullen is now running from his “exaggeration,” an euphemism for a lie. His aid Captain John Kirby said that Mullen’s “accusations were designed to influence the Pakistanis to crack down on the Haqqani Network.” In other words, the Pakistanis should kill more of their own people to save the Americans the trouble.
If you don’t know what the Haqqani Network is, don’t be surprised. You never heard of Al Qaeda prior to 9/11. The US government creates whatever new bogymen and incidents are necessary to further the neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry.
For ten years, the “superpower” American population has sat there, being terrified by the government’s lies. While Americans sit in fear of non-existent “terrorists” sucking their thumbs, millions of people in six countries have had their lives destroyed. As far as any evidence exists, the vast majority of Americans are unperturbed by the wanton murder of others in countries that they are incapable of locating on maps.
Truly, Amerika is a light unto the world, an example for all.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.
Prison Planet.com
Friday, September 30, 2011
In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the “war on terror.” Washington’s attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations and infrastructure and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.
Moreover the wars and military attacks have cost American taxpayers in out-of-pocket and already-incurred future costs at least $4,000 billion dollars–one third of the accumulated public debt–resulting in a US deficit crisis that threatens the social safety net, the value of the US dollar and its reserve currency role, while enriching beyond all previous history the military/security complex and its apologists.
Perhaps the highest cost of Washington’s “war on terror” has been paid by the US Constitution and civil liberties. Any US citizen that Washington accuses is deprived of all legal and constitutional rights. The Bush-Cheney-Obama regimes have overturned humanity’s greatest achievement–the accountability of government to law.
If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find. Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government’s improbable conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative program at the University of California discovered that the domestic “terror plots” hyped in the media were plotted by FBI agents. http://rt.com/usa/news/fbi-terror-report-plot-365-899/
FBI undercover agents now number 15,000, ten times their number during the protests against the Vietnam war when protesters were suspected of communist sympathies. As there apparently are no real terror plots for this huge workforce to uncover, the FBI justifies its budget, terror alerts, and invasive searches of American citizens by thinking up “terror plots” and finding some deranged individuals to ensnare. For example, the Washington DC Metro bombing plot, the New York city subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago were all FBI brainchilds organized and managed by FBI agents.
RT reports that only three plots might have been independent of the FBI, but as none of the three worked they obviously were not the work of such a professional terror organization as Al Qaeda is purported to be. The Times Square car bomb didn’t blow up, and apparently could not have.
The latest FBI sting ensnared a Boston man, Rezwan Ferdaus, who is accused of planning to attack the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes packed with C-4 explosives. US Attorney Carmen Ortiz assured Americans that they were never in danger, because the FBI’s undercover agents were in control of the plot. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/story/2011-09-28/DC-terrorist-plot-drone/50593792/1
Ferdaus’ FBI-organized plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes has produced charges that he provided “material support to a terrorist organization” and plotted to destroy federal buildings–the most serious charge which carries 20 imprisoned years for each targeted building.
What is the terrorist organization that Ferdaus is serving? Surely not al Qaeda, which allegedly outwitted all 16 US intelligence services, all intelligence services of America’s NATO and Israeli allies, NORAD, the National Security Council, Air Traffic Control, Dick Cheney, and US airport security four times in one hour on the same morning. Such a highly capable terror organization would not be involved in such nonsense as a plot to blow up the Pentagon with a model airplane.
As an American who was in public service for a number of years and who has always stood up for the Constitution, a patriot’s duty, I must hope that the question has already popped into readers’ minds why we are expected to believe that a tiny model airplane is capable of blowing up the Pentagon when a 757 airliner loaded with jet fuel was incapable of doing the job, merely making a hole not big enough for an airliner.
When I observe the gullibility of my fellow citizens at the absurd “terror plots” that the US government manufactures, it causes me to realize that fear is the most powerful weapon any government has for advancing an undeclared agenda. If Ferdaus is brought to trial, no doubt a jury will convict him of a plot to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol with model airplanes. Most likely he will be tortured or coerced into a plea bargain.
Apparently, Americans, or most of them, are so ruled by fear that they suffer no remorse from “their” government’s murder and dislocation of millions of innocent people. In the American mind, one billion “towel-heads” have been reduced to terrorists who deserve to be exterminated. The US is on its way to a holocaust that makes the terrors Jews faced from National Socialism into a mere precursor.
Think about this: Are not you amazed that after a decade (2.5 times the length of WW II) of killing Muslims and destroying families and their prospects in six countries there are no real terrorist events in the US?
Think for a minute how easy terrorism would be in the US if there were any terrorists. Would an Al Qaeda terrorist from the organization that allegedly pulled off 9/11–the most humiliating defeat ever suffered by a Western power, much less “the world’s only superpower”–still in the face of all the screening be trying to hijack an airliner or to blow one up?
Surely not when there are so many totally soft targets. If America were really infected with a “terrorist threat,” a terrorist would merely get in the massive lines awaiting to clear airport “security” and set off his bomb. It would kill far more people than could be achieved by blowing up an airliner, and it would make it completely clear that “airport security” meant no one was safe.
It would be child’s play for terrorists to blow up electric sub-stations as no one is there, nothing but a chain link fence. It would be easy for terrorists to blow up shopping centers. It would be easy for terrorists to dump boxes of roofing nails on congested streets and freeways during rush hours, tying up main transportation arteries for days. Before, dear reader, you accuse me of giving terrorists ideas, do you really think that these ideas would not already have occurred to terrorists capable of pulling off 9/11?
But nothing happens. So the FBI arrests a guy for planning to blow up America with a model airplane. It is really depressing how many Americans will believe this.
Consider also that American neoconservatives, who have orchestrated the “war on terror,” have no protection whatsoever and that the Secret Service protection of Bush and Cheney is minimal. If America really faced a terrorist threat, especially one so professional to have brought off 9/11, every neoconservative along with Bush and Cheney could be assassinated within one hour on one morning or one evening.
The fact that neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, William Kristol, Libby, Addington, et. al., live unprotected and free of fear is proof that America faces no terrorist threat.
Think now about the airliner shoe-bomb plot, the shampoo-bottled water plot, and the underwear-bomb plot. Experts, other than the whores hired by the US government, say that these plots are nonsensical. The “shoe bomb” and “underwear bomb” were colored fireworks powders incapable of blowing up a tin can. The liquid bomb, allegedly mixed up in an airliner toilet room, has been dismissed by experts as fantasy.
What is the purpose of these fake plots? And remember, all reports confirm that the “underwear bomber” was walked onto the airliner by an official, despite the fact that the “underwear bomber” had no passport. No investigation was ever conducted by the FBI, CIA, or anyone into why a passenger without a passport was allowed on an international flight.
The purpose of these make-believe plots is to raise the fear level and to create the opportunity for former Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff to make a fortune selling porno-scanners to the TSA.
The result of these hyped “terrorist plots” is that every American citizen, even those with high government positions and security clearances, cannot board a commercial airline flight without taking off his shoes, his jacket, his belt, submitting to a porno-scanner, or being sexually groped. Nothing could make it plainer that “airport security” cannot tell a Muslim terrorist from a gung-ho American patriot, a US Senator, a US Marine general, or a CIA operative.
If a passenger requires for health or other reasons quantities of liquids and cremes beyond the limits imposed on toothpaste, shampoo, food, or medications, the passenger must obtain prior approval from TSA, which seldom works. One of America’s finest moments is the case, documented on UTube, of a dying woman in a wheelchair, who requires special food, having her food thrown away by the gestapo TSA despite the written approval from the Transportation Safety Administration, her daughter arrested for protesting, and the dying woman in the wheelchair left alone in the airport.
This is Amerika today. These assaults on innocent citizens are justified by the mindless right-wing as “protecting us against terrorism,” a “threat” that all evidence shows is nonexistent.
No American is secure today. I am a former staff associate of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. I required high security clearances as I had access to information pertaining to all US weapons programs. As chief economist of the House Budget Committee I had information pertaining to the US military and security budgets. As Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, I was provided every morning with the CIA’s briefing of the President as well as with endless security information.
When I left the Treasury, President Reagan appointed me to a super-secret committee to investigate the CIA’s assessment of Soviet capability. Afterwords I was a consult to the Pentagon. I had every kind of security clearance.
Despite my record of highest security clearances and US government confidence in me including confirmation by the US Senate in a presidential appointment, the airline police cannot tell me from a terrorist.
If I were into model airplanes or attending anti-war demonstrations, little doubt I, too, would be arrested.
After my public service in the last quarter of the 20th century, I experienced during the first decade of the 21st century all of America’s achievements, despite their blemishes, being erased. In their place was erected a monstrous desire for hegemony and highly concentrated wealth. Most of my friends and my fellow citizens in general are incapable of recognizing America’s transformation into a warmonger police state that has the worst income distribution of any developed country.
It is extraordinary that so many Americans, citizens of the world’s only superpower, actually believe that they are threatened by Muslim peoples who have no unity, no navy, no air force, no nuclear weapons, no missiles capable of reaching across the oceans.
Indeed, large percentages of these “threat populations,” especially among the young, are enamored of the sexual freedom that exists in America. Even the Iranian dupes of the CIA-orchestrated “Green Revolution” have forgotten Washington’s overthrow of their elected government in the 1950s. Despite America’s decade-long abusive military actions against Muslim peoples, many Muslims still look to America for their salvation.
Their “leaders” are simply bought off with large sums of money.
With the “terrorist threat” and Al Qaeda deflated with President Obama’s alleged assassination of its leader, Osama bin Laden, who was left unprotected and unarmed by his “world-wide terrorist organization,” Washington has come up with a new bogyman–the Haqqanis.
According to John Glaser and anonymous CIA officials, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen “exaggerated” the case against the Haqqani insurgent group when he claimed, setting up a US invasion of Pakistan, that the Hagganis were an operating arm of the Pakistan government’s secret service, the ISI. Adm. Mullen is now running from his “exaggeration,” an euphemism for a lie. His aid Captain John Kirby said that Mullen’s “accusations were designed to influence the Pakistanis to crack down on the Haqqani Network.” In other words, the Pakistanis should kill more of their own people to save the Americans the trouble.
If you don’t know what the Haqqani Network is, don’t be surprised. You never heard of Al Qaeda prior to 9/11. The US government creates whatever new bogymen and incidents are necessary to further the neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry.
For ten years, the “superpower” American population has sat there, being terrified by the government’s lies. While Americans sit in fear of non-existent “terrorists” sucking their thumbs, millions of people in six countries have had their lives destroyed. As far as any evidence exists, the vast majority of Americans are unperturbed by the wanton murder of others in countries that they are incapable of locating on maps.
Truly, Amerika is a light unto the world, an example for all.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.
The war of terror reaches it’s 10th birthday – Has it been worth it?
By Dark Politricks
It’s been 10 years since we went to war in Afghanistan. What has changed?
Are we safer? Nope.
Even though we have supposedly just killed the leader of the enemy organisation we are at war with, Osama Bin Laden and a number of his replacements, we are still faced with daily terrorist threats, colour coded terror levels and suicide bombing attacks all around the world.
Experts reckon that the number of actual al-Qaeda terrorists (the people we actually went to war in the Stan against) number in the dozens. The people we are fighting are mostly Taliban and Pakistani militants that cross the border from their safe havens in North Waziristan to carry out attacks in Afghanistan.
Therefore the reason we went to war initially doesn’t exist anymore – that is if the real reason was to defeat Al-Qaeda.
The people we are now fighting are people who want us off their land, who are fed up with the corrupt Karzai government that we installed, and are sick of the high civillian casualties which have soared since America started to use inaccurate drones to do much of their killing.
A recent study showed that 92% of Aghans have never even heard of 9/11 or the World Trade Center.
It also shows that four in 10 Afghans believe the US is on their soil in order to “destroy Islam or occupy Afghanistan.”
Most Afghans are poor villagers who live in mud huts, have no electricity let alone televisions – and the ones who join the Taliban are people who are avenging lost loved ones who have been killed by the war from drones, missiles, kill sqauds and of course “collateral damage”.
These Afghans either want revenge for their lost loved ones or they fight either because the Taliban pay better than most other jobs or for the honour in repelling the invaders who have helped bring over 30 years of endless war to their country.
So what are we doing there apart from propping up the “Mayor of Kabul” who rarely leaves his compound due to the recent high number of successful attacks that have led to the death of his famous drug dealing CIA asset of a brother Ahmad Wali Karzai and the recent killing of ex President and recent negotiator with the Taliban Burhanuddin Rabbani.
Well apart from allowing the opium harvest to increase year by year since the Taliban outlawed it in 2001 and feeding over 90% of the worlds supply we seem to be chasing our tails as well as pushing Pakistan into the picture more and more with accusations that their ISI intelligence agency has been behind many of the recent spectacular attacks in the center of Kabul.
So we can forget all those claims by Tony Blair and Bush that we were there to help eradicate drug production as the Russians can attest to it has only soared since NATO got involved in their country with Russia now the main destination for Afghan heroin.
What about all the girls who can now go to school and get jobs you might ask.
Well yes we have done some good in places where we still actually control the population and can prevent the medival Taliban from burning down and killing girls who dare to educate themselves but is that really why we have sent hundreds of our troops to die in a foreign land?
If that was the case we would be invading other medival places like Saudi Arabia or Nigeria which still implement Sharia law to the point of executing women who have been raped as adulterous.
So if the leaders of Al-Qaeda are now confirmed dead and the only people we are fighting are people like you and me who would undoubtedly fight for our country if it were invaded by a foreign power for a reason unknown to us then what is the reason for our continued presence?
It is clear from listening to military experts from various Armies that they don’t think the Taliban can ever be beaten and history shows that Afghanistan sits on top of the league of “unbeatable countries” so what makes us think we can buck the trend and leave as heroes rather than zeroes like the Russians, Brits and countless other armies of the past?
A Guardian article today stated that:
A British government review of the Afghan conflict is to warn that there are “significant risks” of civil war or a Taliban takeover of the south and east of the country after Nato withdraws its combat troops at the end of the 2014.
and that,
Retired General Stanley McChrystal, the former commander of the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), said the force was only “50% of the way” to achieving its goals in the country.
Not only has $57 billion of aid been wasted in places that were secure rather than areas that most required it but the Kabul government has been awash with corruption and any gains in the quality of Afghani lives have been minimal and probably will be reversed once the ISAF forces leave.
So why are we still there when the total cost of the war in monetary terms has undoubtedly contributed to the bankruptcy of the governments involved.
Just think of all the “austerity” measures citizens in the USA and UK wouldn’t be facing today if the billions (UK) and trillions (USA) were spend on the people rather than on the Military Industrial Complex and their endless wars of terror.
Your elected officials allow this waste of money to continue and you continue to elect them to office therefore you cannot escape any blame for the situation we are now facing but when the next elections come around and the debates about deficit reduction, pension and health care cutbacks are raging just look at this counter and think to yourself – has it been worth it.
The following counter from costofwar.com shows the total running cost of the war of terror in both Afghanistan and Iraq since it started in 2001.
The War on Terror has cost the US since 2001
The cost of the war of terror to your country .........
It’s been 10 years since we went to war in Afghanistan. What has changed?
Are we safer? Nope.
Even though we have supposedly just killed the leader of the enemy organisation we are at war with, Osama Bin Laden and a number of his replacements, we are still faced with daily terrorist threats, colour coded terror levels and suicide bombing attacks all around the world.
Experts reckon that the number of actual al-Qaeda terrorists (the people we actually went to war in the Stan against) number in the dozens. The people we are fighting are mostly Taliban and Pakistani militants that cross the border from their safe havens in North Waziristan to carry out attacks in Afghanistan.
Therefore the reason we went to war initially doesn’t exist anymore – that is if the real reason was to defeat Al-Qaeda.
The people we are now fighting are people who want us off their land, who are fed up with the corrupt Karzai government that we installed, and are sick of the high civillian casualties which have soared since America started to use inaccurate drones to do much of their killing.
A recent study showed that 92% of Aghans have never even heard of 9/11 or the World Trade Center.
It also shows that four in 10 Afghans believe the US is on their soil in order to “destroy Islam or occupy Afghanistan.”
Most Afghans are poor villagers who live in mud huts, have no electricity let alone televisions – and the ones who join the Taliban are people who are avenging lost loved ones who have been killed by the war from drones, missiles, kill sqauds and of course “collateral damage”.
These Afghans either want revenge for their lost loved ones or they fight either because the Taliban pay better than most other jobs or for the honour in repelling the invaders who have helped bring over 30 years of endless war to their country.
So what are we doing there apart from propping up the “Mayor of Kabul” who rarely leaves his compound due to the recent high number of successful attacks that have led to the death of his famous drug dealing CIA asset of a brother Ahmad Wali Karzai and the recent killing of ex President and recent negotiator with the Taliban Burhanuddin Rabbani.
Well apart from allowing the opium harvest to increase year by year since the Taliban outlawed it in 2001 and feeding over 90% of the worlds supply we seem to be chasing our tails as well as pushing Pakistan into the picture more and more with accusations that their ISI intelligence agency has been behind many of the recent spectacular attacks in the center of Kabul.
So we can forget all those claims by Tony Blair and Bush that we were there to help eradicate drug production as the Russians can attest to it has only soared since NATO got involved in their country with Russia now the main destination for Afghan heroin.
What about all the girls who can now go to school and get jobs you might ask.
Well yes we have done some good in places where we still actually control the population and can prevent the medival Taliban from burning down and killing girls who dare to educate themselves but is that really why we have sent hundreds of our troops to die in a foreign land?
If that was the case we would be invading other medival places like Saudi Arabia or Nigeria which still implement Sharia law to the point of executing women who have been raped as adulterous.
So if the leaders of Al-Qaeda are now confirmed dead and the only people we are fighting are people like you and me who would undoubtedly fight for our country if it were invaded by a foreign power for a reason unknown to us then what is the reason for our continued presence?
It is clear from listening to military experts from various Armies that they don’t think the Taliban can ever be beaten and history shows that Afghanistan sits on top of the league of “unbeatable countries” so what makes us think we can buck the trend and leave as heroes rather than zeroes like the Russians, Brits and countless other armies of the past?
A Guardian article today stated that:
A British government review of the Afghan conflict is to warn that there are “significant risks” of civil war or a Taliban takeover of the south and east of the country after Nato withdraws its combat troops at the end of the 2014.
and that,
Retired General Stanley McChrystal, the former commander of the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), said the force was only “50% of the way” to achieving its goals in the country.
Not only has $57 billion of aid been wasted in places that were secure rather than areas that most required it but the Kabul government has been awash with corruption and any gains in the quality of Afghani lives have been minimal and probably will be reversed once the ISAF forces leave.
So why are we still there when the total cost of the war in monetary terms has undoubtedly contributed to the bankruptcy of the governments involved.
Just think of all the “austerity” measures citizens in the USA and UK wouldn’t be facing today if the billions (UK) and trillions (USA) were spend on the people rather than on the Military Industrial Complex and their endless wars of terror.
Your elected officials allow this waste of money to continue and you continue to elect them to office therefore you cannot escape any blame for the situation we are now facing but when the next elections come around and the debates about deficit reduction, pension and health care cutbacks are raging just look at this counter and think to yourself – has it been worth it.
The following counter from costofwar.com shows the total running cost of the war of terror in both Afghanistan and Iraq since it started in 2001.
The War on Terror has cost the US since 2001
The cost of the war of terror to your country .........
How to Make a Fused Bulb Work
Very important: If the filament has cut off from the connecting wires and is independently moving around the bulb, this effort is not worth it
Check out if the bulb is fused because of a broken filament dangling to either edges of the Connecting wire ( this would mean, one end of the filament is still connected to the connecting wire and the other end dangling.}
Slowly and with patience, get the other end to connect to the broken end. (It’s a little time consuming work, but the results are awesome)
cautiously put the bulb back into its holder / socket and switch on the light.
Leave it on for sometime, as the heat in the bulb will expand the filament and make the connect with the broken end, thereby staying connected.
Happy Lighting and you reinvented Light
Note that this would save you some money and less garbage from the environment for some time.
(Filament - thin strand of spring that connects the two contact wires inside the bulb, with two or three supporting wires)
There are inert gases inside the light bulb. Please be aware and cautious..........
- Bulbs may be heated on continuous lighting, protect yourself while removing and assembling bulbs
Take protection while working with any form of Electricity.
Things You'll Need
A Fused non CFL Bulb, with its filament dangling at one one if the pin.
Appropriate Safety measures in case you have to climb up and / or down to reach out to remove the bulb
Very important: If the filament has cut off from the connecting wires and is independently moving around the bulb, this effort is not worth it
Check out if the bulb is fused because of a broken filament dangling to either edges of the Connecting wire ( this would mean, one end of the filament is still connected to the connecting wire and the other end dangling.}
Slowly and with patience, get the other end to connect to the broken end. (It’s a little time consuming work, but the results are awesome)
cautiously put the bulb back into its holder / socket and switch on the light.
Leave it on for sometime, as the heat in the bulb will expand the filament and make the connect with the broken end, thereby staying connected.
Happy Lighting and you reinvented Light
Note that this would save you some money and less garbage from the environment for some time.
(Filament - thin strand of spring that connects the two contact wires inside the bulb, with two or three supporting wires)
There are inert gases inside the light bulb. Please be aware and cautious..........
- Bulbs may be heated on continuous lighting, protect yourself while removing and assembling bulbs
Take protection while working with any form of Electricity.
Things You'll Need
A Fused non CFL Bulb, with its filament dangling at one one if the pin.
Appropriate Safety measures in case you have to climb up and / or down to reach out to remove the bulb
Things to Do When You’re Bored at Home
So it’s almost time for school to start again and you’ll be a little busier than you have been recently. Don’t let anyone try to tell you you can’t be bored at home year-round! All the same, if you’re not as stubborn as we are and you’re actually looking for some way to escape your boredom, peruse our list for great ideas. Or busy yourself suggesting additions–the comments box is only a scroll away!
1.Star gaze in your backyard
2.Look at old photographs (you were so cute… what happened?!)
3.Make a collage/poster out of your old photos
4.Rearrange the furniture in your room (ask for permission first!)
5.Paint/draw a picture
6.Write a thank-you note to someone important in your life
7.Teach your pet a new trick (be patient!)
8.Write a poem
9.Plant something (in a pot or outside if it’s warm enough!)
10.Climb a tree
11.Throw out stuff you don’t need (donate old clothes!)
12.Make a CD or playlist of your favorite songs or as a gift for someone
13.Learn words in a foreign language
14.Talk to your parents about your ancestors (believe me… it’s cooler than it sounds!)
15.Ride your bike
16.Learn to do a sudoku in the newspaper
17.Go jogging, bike riding, roller skating, etc
18.Call up neighborhood friends and play soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, Frisbee, etc
19.Teach yourself sign language (use youtube.com or google.com to find info on it!)
20.Reread your favorite childhood book
21.Bake cookies
22.Lie out on the grass and decide what the clouds in the sky look like
23.Call someone you haven’t talked to in a REALLY long time
24.Take a bubble bath
25.Make a movie/documentary
26.Write in a journal
27.Cut out cool newspaper/magazine pictures and make a new wallpaper (ask for permission!)
28.Mow the lawn (your parents will LOVE you!)
29.Set up a tent in your backyard and go “camping”
30.Go sledding!
31.Learn to cook something new (pasta is an easy starting point)
32.Make a video on your computer (see if you have the right program first)
33.Invite everyone you know and have a snow “war” – make teams, forts, and snowballs!
34.Make someone a card just because
35.Learn origami
36.Ask your dad for some scraps of wood, nails, and a hammer – see what you can make!
37.Play a board game you think you’re too old for
38.Learn a card trick
39.Read a joke book
40.Play Wallyball! Look up rules at: http://www.wallyball.com/
41.Plan a fun outing for another day
42.Learn how to do a French braid on someone else’s hair… then try your own!
43.Put together a puzzle
44.Rake and then play in the leaves
45.Have a squirt gun or water balloon fight
46.Play 20 questions
47.Invent a new game… maybe even make your own board game with pieces and all!
48.Learn to juggle
49.Pick a bouquet of flowers and put them on the table as a nice surprise
50.Have a car wash or lemonade stand
51.Invent a secret code
52.Hide a “treasure” and make a scavenger hunt for your friends
53.Start your own blog
54.Play a nice, funny prank on someone
55.Make a time capsule
57.Learn some big words to impress (or confuse!) others with
58.Go exploring! There are probably tons of things you forgot you had at home…
59.Have a picnic in your backyard
60.Watch TV on mute and make up the dialogue
61.Think of nicknames for everyone you know
62.Start collecting something
63.Start a nature scrapbook
64.Sidewalk chalk!
65.Make goop! (Mix 2 cups water, a few drops of food coloring, and 6 cups cornstarch/cornflour.)
66.String beads or macaroni on some dental floss to make a cool necklace or bracelet
67.Make a smoothie
68.Make birthday cards for all your friends and family so they’re ready for the year
69.Put on a play
70.Collect canned goods for a soup kitchen
71.Use fabric paints to decorate a shirt
73. Choreograph a dance to one of your favorite songs (thanks, Oddish!)
74. Google yourself :))
75. Make your own calendar
comments r awaited :)))))
72.Make your own list of things to do when you’re bored!
1.Star gaze in your backyard
2.Look at old photographs (you were so cute… what happened?!)
3.Make a collage/poster out of your old photos
4.Rearrange the furniture in your room (ask for permission first!)
5.Paint/draw a picture
6.Write a thank-you note to someone important in your life
7.Teach your pet a new trick (be patient!)
8.Write a poem
9.Plant something (in a pot or outside if it’s warm enough!)
10.Climb a tree
11.Throw out stuff you don’t need (donate old clothes!)
12.Make a CD or playlist of your favorite songs or as a gift for someone
13.Learn words in a foreign language
14.Talk to your parents about your ancestors (believe me… it’s cooler than it sounds!)
15.Ride your bike
16.Learn to do a sudoku in the newspaper
17.Go jogging, bike riding, roller skating, etc
18.Call up neighborhood friends and play soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, Frisbee, etc
19.Teach yourself sign language (use youtube.com or google.com to find info on it!)
20.Reread your favorite childhood book
21.Bake cookies
22.Lie out on the grass and decide what the clouds in the sky look like
23.Call someone you haven’t talked to in a REALLY long time
24.Take a bubble bath
25.Make a movie/documentary
26.Write in a journal
27.Cut out cool newspaper/magazine pictures and make a new wallpaper (ask for permission!)
28.Mow the lawn (your parents will LOVE you!)
29.Set up a tent in your backyard and go “camping”
30.Go sledding!
31.Learn to cook something new (pasta is an easy starting point)
32.Make a video on your computer (see if you have the right program first)
33.Invite everyone you know and have a snow “war” – make teams, forts, and snowballs!
34.Make someone a card just because
35.Learn origami
36.Ask your dad for some scraps of wood, nails, and a hammer – see what you can make!
37.Play a board game you think you’re too old for
38.Learn a card trick
39.Read a joke book
40.Play Wallyball! Look up rules at: http://www.wallyball.com/
41.Plan a fun outing for another day
42.Learn how to do a French braid on someone else’s hair… then try your own!
43.Put together a puzzle
44.Rake and then play in the leaves
45.Have a squirt gun or water balloon fight
46.Play 20 questions
47.Invent a new game… maybe even make your own board game with pieces and all!
48.Learn to juggle
49.Pick a bouquet of flowers and put them on the table as a nice surprise
50.Have a car wash or lemonade stand
51.Invent a secret code
52.Hide a “treasure” and make a scavenger hunt for your friends
53.Start your own blog
54.Play a nice, funny prank on someone
55.Make a time capsule
57.Learn some big words to impress (or confuse!) others with
58.Go exploring! There are probably tons of things you forgot you had at home…
59.Have a picnic in your backyard
60.Watch TV on mute and make up the dialogue
61.Think of nicknames for everyone you know
62.Start collecting something
63.Start a nature scrapbook
64.Sidewalk chalk!
65.Make goop! (Mix 2 cups water, a few drops of food coloring, and 6 cups cornstarch/cornflour.)
66.String beads or macaroni on some dental floss to make a cool necklace or bracelet
67.Make a smoothie
68.Make birthday cards for all your friends and family so they’re ready for the year
69.Put on a play
70.Collect canned goods for a soup kitchen
71.Use fabric paints to decorate a shirt
73. Choreograph a dance to one of your favorite songs (thanks, Oddish!)
74. Google yourself :))
75. Make your own calendar
comments r awaited :)))))
72.Make your own list of things to do when you’re bored!
20 Productive Ways to Use Your Free Time
If you’ve got a big block of free time, the best way to put that to use is to relax, have fun, decompress from a stressful day, or spend time with a loved one. But if you’ve just got a little chunk — say 5 or 10 minutes — there’s no time to do any of the fun stuff.
Put those little chunks of time to their most productive use.
Everyone works differently, so the best use of your free time really depends on you, your working style, and what’s on your to-do list. But it’s handy to have a list like this in order to quickly find a way to put that little spare time to work instantly, without any thought. Use the following list as a way to spark ideas for what you can do in a short amount of time.
Reading file. Clip magazine articles or print out good articles or reports for reading later, and keep them in a folder marked “Reading File”. Take this wherever you go, and any time you have a little chunk of time, you can knock off items in your Reading File. Keep a reading file on your computer (or in your bookmarks), for quick reading while at your desk (or on the road if you’ve got a laptop).
Clear out inbox. Got a meeting in 5 minutes? Use it to get your physical or email inbox to empty. If you’ve got a lot in your inbox, you’ll have to work quickly, and you may not get everything done, but reducing your pile can be a big help. And having an empty inbox is a wonderful feeling.
Phone calls. Keep a list of phone calls you need to make, with phone numbers, and carry it everywhere. Whether you’re at your desk or on the road, you can knock a few calls off your list in a short amount of time.
Make money. This is my favorite productive use of free time. I have a list of articles I need to write, and when I get some spare minutes, I’ll knock off half an article real quick. If you get 5-10 chunks of free time a day, you can make a decent side income. Figure out how you can free-lance your skills, and have work lined up that you can knock out quickly — break it up into little chunks, so those chunks can be done in short bursts.
File. No one likes to do this. If you’re on top of your game, you’re filing stuff immediately, so it doesn’t pile up. But if you’ve just come off a really busy spurt, you may have a bunch of documents or files laying around. Or maybe you have a big stack of stuff to file. Cut into that stack with every little bit of spare time you get, and soon you’ll be in filing Nirvana.
Network. Only have 2 minutes? Shoot off a quick email to a colleague. Even just a “touching bases” or follow-up email can do wonders for your working relationship. Or shoot off a quick question, and put it on your follow-up list for later.
Clear out feeds. If my email inbox is empty, and I have some spare time, I like to go to my Google Reader and clear out my feed inbox.
Goal time. Take 10 minutes to think about your goals, personal and professional. If you don’t have a list of goals, start on one. If you’ve got a list of goals, review them. Write down a list of action steps you can take over the next couple of weeks to make these goals a reality. What action step can you do today? The more you focus on these goals, and review them, the more likely they will come true.
Update finances. Many people fall behind with their finances, either in paying bills (they don’t have time), or entering transactions in their financial software, or clearing their checkbook, or reviewing their budget. Take a few minutes to update these things. It just takes 10-15 minutes every now and then.
Brainstorm ideas. Another favorite of mine if I just have 5 minutes — I’ll break out my pocket notebook, and start a brainstorming list for a project or article. Whatever you’ve got coming up in your work or personal life, it can benefit from a brainstorm. And that doesn’t take long.
Clear off desk. Similar to the filing tip above, but this applies to whatever junk you’ve got cluttering up your desk. Or on the floor around your desk. Trash stuff, file stuff, put it in its place. A clear desk makes for a more productive you. And it’s oddly satisfying.
Exercise. Never have time to exercise? 10 minutes is enough to get off some pushups and crunches. Do that 2-3 times a day, and you’ve got a fit new you.
Take a walk. This is another form of exercise that doesn’t take long, and you can do it anywhere — but even more important, it’s a good way to stretch your legs from sitting at your desk too long, and it gets your creative juices flowing. If you’re ever stuck for ideas, taking a walk is a good way to get unstuck.
Follow up. Keep a follow-up list for everything you’re waiting on. Return calls, emails, memos — anything that someone owes you, put on the list. When you’ve got a spare 10 minutes, do some follow-up calls or emails.
Meditate. You don’t need a yoga mat to do this. Just do it at your desk. Focus on your breathing. A quick 5-10 minutes of meditation (or even a nap) can be tremendously refreshing.
Research. This is a daunting task for me. So I do it in little spurts. If I’ve only got a few minutes, I’ll do some quick research and take some notes. Do this a few times, and I’m done!
Outline. Similar to brainstorming, but more formal. I like to do an outline of a complicated article, report or project, and it helps speed things along when I get to the actual writing. And it only takes a few minutes.
Get prepped. Outlining is one way to prep for longer work, but there’s a lot of other ways you can prep for the next task on your list. You may not have time to actually start on the task right now, but when you come back from your meeting or lunch, you’ll be all prepped and ready to go.
Be early. Got some spare time before a meeting? Show up for the meeting early. Sure, you might feel like a chump sitting there alone, but actually people respect those who show up early. It’s better than being late (unless you’re trying to play a power trip or something, but that’s not appreciated in many circles).
Log. If you keep a log of anything, a few spare minutes is the perfect time to update the log. Actually, the perfect time to update the log is right after you do the activity (exercise, eat, crank a widget), but if you didn’t have time to do it before, your 5-minute break is as good a time as any.
Got some productive spare-time tips of your own? Share them in the comments :)))
Put those little chunks of time to their most productive use.
Everyone works differently, so the best use of your free time really depends on you, your working style, and what’s on your to-do list. But it’s handy to have a list like this in order to quickly find a way to put that little spare time to work instantly, without any thought. Use the following list as a way to spark ideas for what you can do in a short amount of time.
Reading file. Clip magazine articles or print out good articles or reports for reading later, and keep them in a folder marked “Reading File”. Take this wherever you go, and any time you have a little chunk of time, you can knock off items in your Reading File. Keep a reading file on your computer (or in your bookmarks), for quick reading while at your desk (or on the road if you’ve got a laptop).
Clear out inbox. Got a meeting in 5 minutes? Use it to get your physical or email inbox to empty. If you’ve got a lot in your inbox, you’ll have to work quickly, and you may not get everything done, but reducing your pile can be a big help. And having an empty inbox is a wonderful feeling.
Phone calls. Keep a list of phone calls you need to make, with phone numbers, and carry it everywhere. Whether you’re at your desk or on the road, you can knock a few calls off your list in a short amount of time.
Make money. This is my favorite productive use of free time. I have a list of articles I need to write, and when I get some spare minutes, I’ll knock off half an article real quick. If you get 5-10 chunks of free time a day, you can make a decent side income. Figure out how you can free-lance your skills, and have work lined up that you can knock out quickly — break it up into little chunks, so those chunks can be done in short bursts.
File. No one likes to do this. If you’re on top of your game, you’re filing stuff immediately, so it doesn’t pile up. But if you’ve just come off a really busy spurt, you may have a bunch of documents or files laying around. Or maybe you have a big stack of stuff to file. Cut into that stack with every little bit of spare time you get, and soon you’ll be in filing Nirvana.
Network. Only have 2 minutes? Shoot off a quick email to a colleague. Even just a “touching bases” or follow-up email can do wonders for your working relationship. Or shoot off a quick question, and put it on your follow-up list for later.
Clear out feeds. If my email inbox is empty, and I have some spare time, I like to go to my Google Reader and clear out my feed inbox.
Goal time. Take 10 minutes to think about your goals, personal and professional. If you don’t have a list of goals, start on one. If you’ve got a list of goals, review them. Write down a list of action steps you can take over the next couple of weeks to make these goals a reality. What action step can you do today? The more you focus on these goals, and review them, the more likely they will come true.
Update finances. Many people fall behind with their finances, either in paying bills (they don’t have time), or entering transactions in their financial software, or clearing their checkbook, or reviewing their budget. Take a few minutes to update these things. It just takes 10-15 minutes every now and then.
Brainstorm ideas. Another favorite of mine if I just have 5 minutes — I’ll break out my pocket notebook, and start a brainstorming list for a project or article. Whatever you’ve got coming up in your work or personal life, it can benefit from a brainstorm. And that doesn’t take long.
Clear off desk. Similar to the filing tip above, but this applies to whatever junk you’ve got cluttering up your desk. Or on the floor around your desk. Trash stuff, file stuff, put it in its place. A clear desk makes for a more productive you. And it’s oddly satisfying.
Exercise. Never have time to exercise? 10 minutes is enough to get off some pushups and crunches. Do that 2-3 times a day, and you’ve got a fit new you.
Take a walk. This is another form of exercise that doesn’t take long, and you can do it anywhere — but even more important, it’s a good way to stretch your legs from sitting at your desk too long, and it gets your creative juices flowing. If you’re ever stuck for ideas, taking a walk is a good way to get unstuck.
Follow up. Keep a follow-up list for everything you’re waiting on. Return calls, emails, memos — anything that someone owes you, put on the list. When you’ve got a spare 10 minutes, do some follow-up calls or emails.
Meditate. You don’t need a yoga mat to do this. Just do it at your desk. Focus on your breathing. A quick 5-10 minutes of meditation (or even a nap) can be tremendously refreshing.
Research. This is a daunting task for me. So I do it in little spurts. If I’ve only got a few minutes, I’ll do some quick research and take some notes. Do this a few times, and I’m done!
Outline. Similar to brainstorming, but more formal. I like to do an outline of a complicated article, report or project, and it helps speed things along when I get to the actual writing. And it only takes a few minutes.
Get prepped. Outlining is one way to prep for longer work, but there’s a lot of other ways you can prep for the next task on your list. You may not have time to actually start on the task right now, but when you come back from your meeting or lunch, you’ll be all prepped and ready to go.
Be early. Got some spare time before a meeting? Show up for the meeting early. Sure, you might feel like a chump sitting there alone, but actually people respect those who show up early. It’s better than being late (unless you’re trying to play a power trip or something, but that’s not appreciated in many circles).
Log. If you keep a log of anything, a few spare minutes is the perfect time to update the log. Actually, the perfect time to update the log is right after you do the activity (exercise, eat, crank a widget), but if you didn’t have time to do it before, your 5-minute break is as good a time as any.
Got some productive spare-time tips of your own? Share them in the comments :)))
How Does a Phone Circuit Work?
Telephone circuits are dedicated connections used to transmit voice or data information. Phone circuits rely on a tip-and-ring operation, which form the two sides of a phone's circuit.
The tip is the positive, or ground, side of the phone circuit. Ground refers to the electrical circuit that uses the earth or ground as a return path or direct connection. The tip side of the phone circuit typically connects to the telephone company.
The ring is the negative, or battery, side of the phone circuit. Batteries use electrochemical cells to transform chemical energy into electrical energy that is distributed via the circuit. An electrochemical cell facilitates chemical reactions through electrical energy. The ring side carries -48 volts of direct current, or DC voltage, when idle.
Combining the tip-and-ring line connections creates a phone circuit. Activating, or "ringing," the phone in an incoming call requires about 90 volts of AC, or alternating current, to be sent, or superimposed, over the direct current voltage at the ring side of the circuit.
The tip is the positive, or ground, side of the phone circuit. Ground refers to the electrical circuit that uses the earth or ground as a return path or direct connection. The tip side of the phone circuit typically connects to the telephone company.
The ring is the negative, or battery, side of the phone circuit. Batteries use electrochemical cells to transform chemical energy into electrical energy that is distributed via the circuit. An electrochemical cell facilitates chemical reactions through electrical energy. The ring side carries -48 volts of direct current, or DC voltage, when idle.
Combining the tip-and-ring line connections creates a phone circuit. Activating, or "ringing," the phone in an incoming call requires about 90 volts of AC, or alternating current, to be sent, or superimposed, over the direct current voltage at the ring side of the circuit.
Facial Hair: Growth and Grooming
The information contained herein is to be used for educational purposes only. The author is not a medical professional, and this information should not be considered medical advice. This information should NOT be used to replace consultation with or treatment by a trained medical professional. The listing of a medication herein does not imply endorsement by the author.
Facial hair FAQ for Trans Men
Will I be able to grow a beard or mustache?
Will shaving my face make my beard grow in thicker or faster?
Will facial hair dye make my facial hair appear thicker/denser?
Will minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) enhance my facial hair growth?
What about using things like fake facial hair, makeup, or theatrical techniques?
Styling facial hair: sideburns, mustaches, and beards
Sideburn styles
Mustache styles
Beard styles
Growing facial hair
Trimming facial hair
Keeping facial hair clean
This section summarizes basic facts and myths about facial hair growth, describes and shows different styles of beards, mustaches, and sideburns, and considers how facial hair styles might best augment certain facial features to enhance a masculine look. Pointers on growing, maintenance, and care of facial hair are also provided.
Facial hair FAQ for Trans Men
Will I be able to grow a beard or mustache?
The answer to this question appears to depend mainly on your genetic makeup (i.e., the tendencies for growing facial hair that you were born with) and how long you have been on testosterone therapy. This mirrors the process that non-trans men go through when growing facial hair-- it depends on their individual tendencies for growing facial hair, as well as the length of time that has passed since they began growing facial hair during puberty.
Regarding the genetic component, there is considerable variance in both the developmental pace and the quantity that different men are able to grow facial hair. Some men grow thick facial hair in a relatively short period of time after reaching puberty or starting testosterone therapy, while others may never be able to grow a full beard or mustache in their lifetime. Some men grow substantial facial hair only in certain areas (such as the sideburns or chin), but are unable to ever grow a full mustache or grow more than a few hairs on their cheeks. Some may notice patchy or bald areas in an otherwise full beard, or sideburns that never grow in fully. These varying developmental patterns seem to be largely related to inherited traits-- though keep in mind that a guy may not be able to accurately predict his own facial hair growth based on that of his male relatives. Just because a man's dad or brother grows a thick beard or mustache doesn't necessarily mean that his own facial hair growth will be the same.
Regarding the length of time on testosterone therapy, there will be some variance depending on the individual, but generally facial hair tends to thicken and develop over a period of years rather than over just a few months. This is similar to any man who has gone though puberty--typically, some facial hair begins to develop in the early months of puberty, but it often takes a number of years to begin to grow facial hair in a pattern substantial enough to grow a full beard or a full mustache. Some men begin with only sparse facial hair in their teens and early twenties, but find that their beards have thickened and filled out by their late twenties or early thirties. There are individuals who grow facial hair quickly and densely, but most guys develop over time. For those who have been on testosterone for only a short time, patience is key when trying to grow a beard-- it may take several years.
Will shaving my face make my beard grow in thicker or faster?
No, shaving will not make your facial hair grow in any thicker or faster, though it may feel that way.
There are a couple of reasons why your hair might feel like it is growing in thicker after shaving. First, hair tends to be thicker and darker near the root and becomes thinner/wispier near the end of the hair as it grows out. When you shave a hair, you are cutting it close to the thicker root end, creating a much shorter hair with a sharper edge close to the skin's surface. This leaves a stiffer "stubble" effect when you rub your face in the day or two following your shave. Once the hair grows out, it will begin to feel softer again.
There are a lot of people who swear that shaving their hair causes it to grow in thicker, darker, and faster. However, if this were true, wouldn't every man, woman, or boy who shaved his or her face be able to grow a full beard? Many men shave each day precisely because their facial hair is patchy and they cannot grow a full beard! If the myth about shaving causing beard growth were true, all people who shave their faces regularly would soon develop full beards, and that is simply not the case.
Will facial hair dye make my facial hair appear thicker/denser?
Using facial hair dye to try to make your facial hair look thicker/denser might work if you already have some substantial growth, but if your facial hair is still very thin and wispy, coloring it probably won't be very effective. You can certainly color thin, wispy hairs, but in general this will not produce the look of an adult beard or mustache. It may create a shadowy look on your upper lip or cheeks, like a teenage boy who has just started to grow facial hair. If the hair is very fine, the color won't take well and will be barely visible.
If you have started to grow numerous thick whiskers, but some of them are coming in blonde, then using a facial hair dye might help help make your hair appear more dense. If you choose to dye your facial hair, use a product that has been designed specifically for use on the face (such as "Just for Men" for mustache, beard, and sideburns or a similar product), and follow all directions on the package to avoid allergic reactions or rashes. Also, choose a color that is similar to the facial hair you already have, or to the hair color on your head.
In general, dyeing your facial hair is only worthwhile if it will enhance the substantial growth you already have; it might end up looking worse or unnatural if your hair is too fine and too sparse. If you are unsure of how dye will look, grow your facial hair out for a while, and then do a test run, following the directions for the product you have chosen. If the results do not look good or realistic, simply shave off the hair..
Will minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) enhance my facial hair growth?
While minoxidil has been approved for increasing hair growth on the top of the head, it has not yet been marketed or tested specifically for facial hair growth. However, there have been anecdotal reports regarding increased beard growth with application of minoxidil (see the minoxidil discussion on the Beard Board for details). When considering anecdotal reports about minoxidil use on facial hair, it should be noted that trans guys who are not on testosterone therapy would probably not show comparable results to post-pubescent non-trans men or trans men who have been taking testosterone for some time. It should also be noted that anecdotal reports are not the same as clinical medical evidence, and thus the reader should proceed with caution and speak to their doctor for specific medical advice.
The exact process by which minoxidil causes its results is not fully understood, but it has been shown to stimulate head and body hair growth in some people. Women who use minoxidil for scalp hair loss are cautioned to avoid application to the face in order to avoid unwanted facial hair growth; this would indicate that increased facial hair growth via topical minoxidil is indeed possible, though to what degree (i.e., how much hair growth, and the thickness and quality of the new hair) remains largely unstudied.
Minoxidil was first used in tablet form as the drug "Loniten," an antihypertensive, to treat high blood pressure. An unexpected side effect of Loniten was that some patients experienced excessive hair growth. As a result, a topical solution of minoxidil was developed for application directly on the scalp to stimulate hair growth. This product is marketed in the United States as "Rogaine," though it can also be obtained under other names and as a generic. It typically comes in 2% and 5% solution, usually as a lotion or foam. Topical minoxidil does not require a prescription; it can be purchased over the counter in many drugstores.
When used on the scalp, minoxidil requires twice-a-day application, and it may take from 3 to 6 months for the user to see an effect. Again, minoxidil is not approved for use on the face, so it is unclear if the dosing for the scalp is appropriate for use on the face. It stands to reason that results from minoxidil would probably take at least several months of continued application. Caution should be exercised when using any medication, and questions or concerns should be directed to your doctor or dermatologist.
Another word of caution for those considering minoxidil for facial hair growth: there have been anecdotal reports of additional hair growth in places other than where the drug was applied, such as the chest, back, abdomen, and unusual facial hair growth by some users (i.e., very high on the cheeks just under the eyes). Some of this growth can continue well after discontinuation of minoxidil. If these risks are a concern, you may not wish to use minoxidil.
Common side effects of minoxidil include skin irritation, itch, contact dermatitis, hives, swelling, and sensitivity. Rare side effects include blurred vision, chest pain, decreased libido, difficulty in maintaining an erection, fast or irregular heartbeat, flushing, headache, lightheadedness, numbness or tingling of the hands, feet, or face, or rapid weight gain.
What about using things like fake facial hair, makeup, or theatrical techniques?
Using fake facial hair or makeup to create a realistic-looking beard, mustache, and/or sideburns can be a very difficult and/or expensive project. While you may be able to create facial hair that looks good from a distance, it may be far less convincing up close, or when touched.
Using makeup to create the look of a five o'clock shadow or sideburns, or to enhance the thickness of existing facial hair, can be easily detected at close range. Makeup also can be worn off from sweat or oils, and can be smudged or rubbed off when touched.
Fake theatrical paste-on beards and mustaches can be found in costume shops, but are usually not very realistic. More expensive facial hair pieces that are made of real human hair (usually woven onto some type of fine lace backing that is to be glued to the face) can still be detected upon close inspection, and also don't tend to feel realistic.
Some theatrical makeup artists create more realistic looking facial hair by cutting fake hair (usually purchased in braid form) into individual whisker- or stubble-length pieces, and then attaching those loose pieces to the face with an adhesive called "spirit gum." For extra realness, sometimes more than one color of fake hair whiskers are mixed together. Using this process, it can take hours to create a convincing look, depending on the style you are applying. Additionaly, quality hair, adhesive, and adhesive remover can be quite expensive. While this method may create a better result than a one-piece paste-on, it still is not very realistic to the touch (the glue can be tacky even after drying), the hairs can easily fall off or be rubbed off, and it can be difficult to continue to re-create the same pattern day after day.
Finally, there are logistical issues to consider. If you suddenly appear one day with a full mustache or beard after having very little facial hair, people will wonder where it came from! Additionally, if you wish to be taken seriously as a guy, wearing obviously fake facial hair will probably have the opposite effect than what you are hoping for.
In general, while it may be fun to try out these techniques at home or for theatrical purposes, fake facial hair takes a lot of effort and tends not to look or feel realistic for everyday purposes. Give your hair some time to grow in by itself. Be patient, and if all else fails, remember that many guys simply don't tend to grow full beards.
Styling facial hair: sideburns, mustaches, and beards
The following sections provide examples of facial hair styles for the three main areas of the face: the sideburns (in front of the ears), the mustache (the upper lip), and the beard (cheeks, jawline, and neck). Basic hints are provided in each section for choosing a facial hair style to best suit certain facial features, such as a receding hairline, a soft chin, a round face, etc. When choosing a style, consider your facial hair patterns as well as your facial shape, facial features, and hair type-- not all styles will look good on all people. When in doubt about choosing a style, consult with your barber or hair stylist.
Sideburn styles
Sideburns are the area of facial hair that grow down the sides of the face, in front of the ears. They can be worn alone or can connect the hair of the scalp with the rest of the facial hair. (NOTE: Sideburns are not formed from scalp hair grown long and styled downward to cover the sides of your face. If your sideburns have not grown in yet, simply keep your sideburns short until you can grow them-- don't try to create a sideburn "look" with hair from your temples.)
Sideburns can be worn in many different ways: mid-ear level, ear lobe level, or all the way down to the jawline or chin level. They can be cut in a narrow strip, or left very wide. The hair length of sideburns can be cropped very close to the face or allowed to grow to a more bushy length. Sideburns can also be shaped and cut creatively. A few illustrations of the variation in sideburn possibilities are shown below.
Care should be taken when shaping and trimming sideburns to make them even on both sides.
In general, shorter haircuts tend to feature shorter sideburns, and longer cuts feature longer sideburns, though there is always room for creativity if you want to go with a non-standard look. Longer sideburns can help balance a face with an unusually long chin (usually paired with a longer neck-edge in a hair cut), and shorter sideburns can balance a short or or weak chin (usually paired with a shorter neck-edge in a hair cut).
There are many possible variations with sideburns (you can even cut designs into them), but not many widely-recognized style names. Of course, there are always locally-known names for certain styles, or sideburns fashioned after certain celebrities or popular sports figures of the day, but few sideburn terms are as commonly known as the "mutton chop" and the lesser-known "friendly-mutton chop," both illustrated below.
Mutton chops
The most widely-known style name for sideburns is the mutton chop. Mutton chops are typically grown wide and long; some reach down as far as the chin line. They can be bushy or trimmed close to the face, but in general tend to be longer and wider than a traditional long sideburn.
Friendly mutton chops
This is a variation of the mutton chop where the sideburns are grown across the face to meet with a mustache on both sides, creating a continuous line of facial hair. The chin is left clean shaven.
Mustache styles
A mustache refers to the growth of facial hair in the area above the upper lip. Mustaches can be worn alone, or integrated into beards. They can be trimmed thin or wide, worn long or short in hair length, and the ends of the mustache can be turned up, turned down, or cut straight across. They can be continuous across the lip, or "divided" (hair styled to either side of the center). Certain styles require styling wax and/or twisting of the hairs at the edges, but these tend to be less common in this historical moment.
When styling your mustache, keep in mind that small details in the shaping can make a difference in effect. If the corners of a mustache are turned slightly down, this can give a droopy effect, while if the corners are turned upward slightly, this can look either cheerful or a bit clownish, depending on the steepness of the curve. Straight lines are generally neutral and neat in appearance. Unless you are going for a very bushy style or are compensating for a bald head with a very heavy mustache, the hairs of the mustache should not project over the edge of the upper lip.
A mustache can be worn to balance certain facial types and features. Consider the size of the nose, the size and length of the mouth, the shape of the face, and the area above the upper lip when styling your mustache. A person with a very prominent nose might consider a medium to large-sized mustache. Someone with coarse facial features or a large area between the upper lip and nose might consider a heavy mustache. For someone with a long, narrow face, or with more refined features, a thin mustache can be becoming. A short, thin mustache is appropriate for someone with an extra-small mouth. For a wide mouth and/or prominent upper lip, a heavy handlebar or large divided mustache can work well. An extra large mouth might choose a pyramidal-shaped mustache. A rounded face looks good with a semi-square mustache, while a square face looks good with a linear mustache with slightly rounded edges curving down. On a very long face, a mustache can add balance. If you have a small or weak chin, you might not want to wear a mustache alone (without an accompanying beard or goatee), as it will make the chin seem even smaller.
Try some of the suggestions above when styling your mustache, and experiment to find what is most becoming for your facial features. When in doubt, ask your barber or hair stylist for advice on styling your mustache. A number of mustache styles are illustrated below, but they are only a handful of possible styles and variations.
If your facial hair is not yet very thick on your upper lip, you may wish to continue shaving it off until it has filled in enough to wear a decent mustache. A thin, wispy mustache tends to make you look like a teenage boy, so unless that is the look you are going for, keep shaving until the hair thickens and gains density.
A thick and wide mustache, usually worn long to cover the top border of the upper lip.
A narrow mustache with long points bent or curved steeply upward. Named for artist Salvador Dali.
A narrow divided mustache that begins at the middle of the upper lip, with long whiskers pulled to either side of the center. The areas beyond the corners of the mouth are typically shaved.
Fu manchu
A mustache that begins on the upper lip and whose whiskers are grown very long to extend down each side of the mouth to the to jaw. The areas just past the corners of the mouth are shaven, thus differentiating this style from the "horseshoe" (see below).
A handlebar mustache can be worn large or small ("petit handlebar"); it is characterized by the fact that it is bushy and must be worn long enough to curl the ends upward, which is usually achieved with styling wax.
A full moustache with vertical extensions grown on the corners of the lips and down the sides of the mouth to the jawline, resembling an upside-down horseshoe. The whiskers grown along the sides of the mouth in the horseshoe are sometimes referred to as "pipes." Not to be confused with the "fu manchu" which is grown long from the upper lip only-- the sides remain shaven in the fu manchu.
A large mustache growing from both the upper lip and cheeks, whiskers from the cheeks are styled pointing upward.
A mustache similar to the "painter's brush," but with corners angled slightly, resembling the shape of a lampshade.
See "pencil."
Painter's brush
A thick mustache covering the width of the mouth, usually worn short, with slightly rounded corners.
A thin, narrow, closely clipped mustache that outlines the upper lip. Pencil style mustaches can be trimmed in different manners (see below). Also sometimes called a "mouthbrow."
A general name for mustaches shaped narrow on top and wide on the bottom, like a pyramid. Pyramidal mustaches can be shaped in a variety of ways, as shown below.
A thick mustache, shaved to be about an inch wide in the center.
A large, bushy, droopy mustache that hangs down over the lips, often entirely covering the mouth.
Beard styles
A beard refers to facial hair grown on the jawline, chin, cheeks, or neck area (and any combination of those areas). Beards can be worn with or without mustaches or sideburns. Like mustaches, they can be worn in a variety of styles, with long or closely clipped hair, and they can be shaped in many different ways around the mouth, nose, cheeks, and neck. Certain styles require styling products, but most do not and simply require periodic grooming and maintenance to maintain neatness.
Mustaches can be worn as an integrated part of the beard, or as a separate entity that is styled on its own. Likewise, sideburns can also be integrated or separate from a beard, depending on the style.
The style of beard that you choose should suit your facial features and your patterns of facial hair. For example, if you have trouble growing hair on your cheeks but not on your chin, a goatee style may work well for you. If you cannot grow a mustache but can grow hair along your jawline and chin, you might consider some variation of a jawline beard.
As for balancing facial features, beards can go a long way in helping masculinize a soft jawline or a weak chin. Those with triangular-shaped or diamond shaped faces (which tend to have narrow jaws and small chins) may benefit from a full beard, which adds weight to the jaw and chin. Those with square faces should style and trim their beards to slenderize to face, and those with round faces should also style their beards to make give the face a more narrow, oval appearance. A receding chin can be concealed by a full beard or a carefully clipped goatee or circle beard, and a protruding chin can be minimized by short beard and mustache cropped close to the face. A large nose, narrow lip, or high forehead can be offset by a mustache paired with a soul patch. Receding hairlines and bald heads can be balanced with a close clipped full beard, circle beard, or van dyck.
If you have a weak jawline, a dark-colored beard will add definition, but those with very light colored hair should be aware that lighter-colored beards can sometimes create shadows that result in a softer profile. Similarly, dark stubble can help mask a double chin or weak jaw, but light stubble can worsen the problem.
Finally, beards can offset a red or ruddy complexion, and can help cover blemishes or scars.
In addition to your facial features, it is wise to also consider your occupation and lifestyle when choosing a beard type. If you work in a job that does not allow beards because of health or safety reasons, or in an office that only allows conservative styles, you'll have to act accordingly. Also consider the amount of work you want to put into your beard-- if you are not a fan of frequent trimming and grooming, you may wish to pick a style that is relatively easy to maintain.
Listed below are only a few of many possible beard styles, and there are often numerous variations within the styles included here. Some will be better suited for certain facial types and personalities than others. When in doubt, ask your barber or stylist for advice on a beard style that will suit your face and lifestyle. Don't be afraid to experiment-- the beauty of facial hair is that it grows back fairly quickly, and you can always shave it off if it doesn't please you.
A chin beard that is grown long into a point and styled with an accompanying mustache to resemble the shape of a ship's anchor.
A wide chin beard that covers the chin as well as a small area beyond it, accompanied by a separated mustache.
A beard that covers the chin and stretches back along the jawline ending at the ears. Not to be mistaken for a "chinstrap" which extends to include the sideburns.
Chin curtain
A longer beard grown only along the lower portion of the face, covering the chin and following the jawline.
A beard consisting of long sideburns that come forward along the jawline to meet under the chin, resembling the chin strap of a helmet. Also sometimes called a Donegal.
Circle Beard
Facial hair consisting of a chin beard and mustache connected by hair along the sides of one's mouth, thus forming a circle. Also called a "door knocker." Sometimes referred to as a "goatee," though technically the goatee refers only to hair growing on the chin area, not the mustache.
See "circle beard."
Flavor saver
See "soul patch."
Full beard
A beard characterized by coverage on all areas of the face: upper lip, chin, sides, and sideburns. A full beard can have either a styled or integrated mustache, and can be clipped close or grown long. There are many possible variations of the full beard.
A wide, full beard with a rounded bottom and integrated mustache.
A beard formed by hair grown only on the chin area.
A beard with integrated mustache that is worn on the lower part of the chin and jaw area, without connecting sideburns.
Jawline Beard
A beard that is grown from the chin along the jawline. Can refer to a "brett," a "chinstrap," or a "chin curtain," which are all variations of jawline beards.
Old Dutch
A large, long beard, connected by sideburns, that flares outward in width at the bottom, without a mustache.
See "soul patch."
See "spade."
Soul patch
A small tuft of hair under the lower lip. Also called a "royale" or a "flavor saver."
A large, long beard, connected by sideburns, without a mustache. Also called a "Shenandoah."
Very short facial hair of only one or a few days growth. Can be worn all over the face as a result of not shaving, or can shaped and maintained by using a beard trimmer at a very low setting.
Van Dyck
A goatee accompanied by a mustache; usually the two are not connected.
A short, full beard with rounded bottom accompanied by a prominent mustache.
Growing facial hair
Once you've developed plenty of facial hair and decide you are ready to grow a decent mustache or beard, begin by growing your facial hair out for about four weeks without trimming any of it. (The exception to this is if you are only growing a mustache, in which case you can continue to shave your neck, sides, chin, and cheeks if you must-- but leave plenty of leeway around your mouth so you can properly trim and shape your mustache when the time comes.) If you work in a job where the scruffy look is frowned upon, you may wish to start growing your beard or mustache out while on vacation (or, if it is permissible, explain you are growing your beard and will trim it to a neater presentation in a few weeks). If you absolutely must trim before the end of the four weeks, shaving just the neck can give a neater look. Don't shave too close to the jawline, however, as you will want to shape that area once the beard has grown out.
When the four week growing period is over, you can begin to define your neckline, cheek line, and mustache or goatee lines with a razor or an electric beard trimmer on its lowest setting. A single blade razor will offer better control than a multi-blade, as will a straight razor if you know how to use one (see the shaving page for more details on shaving technique and razors). Do not over-trim at this stage! You can always cut a little more off, but you can't add it back on once you've clipped it.
Once you have defined the lines of your beard or mustache, then decide the length you would like and trim it accordingly (details on how to trim your facial hair are included in the next section). If you are aiming for a longer or fuller beard style, continue to let it grow while maintaining your previously-constructed outlines.
Another option after the four week growth period is to allow your barber to do the initial styling of your beard or mustache. If you choose this option, be sure to have a good conversation beforehand to ensure you get a style and result you are happy with. Once your barber has created the initial outlines and style of the beard, you can maintain the beard at home by keeping it neat and trimmed.
Trimming facial hair
Once you've grown and styled your beard or mustache the way you like it, you will then have to maintain it with periodic trimming. Depending on the length and style of the beard, this may be something you need to do every day (for very short beards) or every couple of weeks (for very long and undefined beards). Most beards and mustaches will need trimming every few days, or every week at the least.
You'll need the proper tools to maintain your facial hair. Depending on your preference and your style of facial hair, you'll need an electric beard trimmer or a scissors and comb (or both). Also necessary are a good mirror, proper lighting, and a razor to maintain the outlines of your style.
If you opt for the scissors and comb method of trimming, choose a pair of barber's scissors if possible-- they are sharp and designed to cut hair. You may also wish to purchase a fine-toothed mustache comb, as well as a wider-toothed comb for your beard. Look for combs that are designed for hair trimming or beard trimming, as they tend to be narrower than head-hair combs and easier to use over different parts of the face.
If you opt for an electric trimmer, be sure to purchase one that is specifically for beard and mustache trimming. Electric clippers that are used for haircuts tend to be too wide for effective use on the face. Depending on your preference, you may choose a cordless, corded, rechargeable, or battery-operated model. Look for a trimmer with numerous length-guide attachments, so you'll have several options.
While any maintenance shaving around your beard's outlines and neckline will require wetting the face and hair for shaving (see the shaving page for details on shaving technique), the actual trimming of your beard or mustache should be done while the hair is dry. This is because wet hair will tend to appear longer, and as such you risk trimming too much when your hair is wet. For this reason, you should trim your beard and mustache first and maintain your beard's outlines afterward, especially if you are using a wet razor to shave your neck or cheeks. (An exception to this rule is during the initial shaping of your beard and mustache from raw material, after your four week growth period. At that time you will probably want to define the shape of your beard first and then trim afterward, letting the hair dry before trimming if you used a wet razor for shaping.)
If you use the comb and scissors method for trimming, comb through your facial hair and cut the hair on the outside of the comb to the length you desire. Start slowly and practice carefully until you get the hang of it. It is better to trim conservatively at first; you can always trim off a little more, but you can't add it back once you've clipped it. To make sure you keep a good balance between the two sides of your face, maintain a systematic approach. Start from the chin working toward the ear on one side, then from the other ear back to the chin on the other side. Don't jump around from place to place. The same reasoning applies to the mustache: first comb the mustache down, then trim from the middle toward one side, and then from the other side back to the middle. Look straight ahead into the mirror whenever possible to maintain balance between the two sides of the face.
If you are using an electric trimmer, choose the length-guide that is most appropriate for the area of the beard or mustache you are trimming. As with scissors trimming, it is better to start conservatively until you know which attachment is best. Use a longer guide and work your way down to shorter guides until you find the proper length. As with scissors and comb trimming, make sure you keep a good balance between the two sides of your face and maintain a systematic approach. Start from the chin working toward the ear on one side, then from the other ear back to the chin on the other side. Don't jump around from place to place. The same reasoning applies to the mustache: first comb the mustache down, then trim from the middle toward one side, and then from the other side back to the middle. Look straight ahead into the mirror whenever possible to maintain balance between the two sides of the face.
Once you have trimmed your mustache and beard to your satisfaction, then you can maintain the outlines using your razor or trimmer set on its lowest setting.
If you have chosen an electric trimmer, don't forget to read your owner's manual and learn to properly maintain your clipper. Keep it clean and lubricate as directed to keep it in proper working order.
Keeping facial hair clean
Just like the hair on your head, your facial hair needs to be washed regularly. A mild shampoo is better to use on facial hair than bar soap, which will tend to dry your skin. Shampooing your beard is best done in the shower so that you can rinse it thoroughly. If your beard feels very coarse and dry after washing, try applying a conditioner after shampooing-- be sure to rinse well. There are special shampoos and conditioners designed for facial hair; some may find them helpful, but they are not strictly necessary. Comb your beard and mustache to remove tangles, and gently pat your beard dry with a towel when finished. If you wear a very long or thick beard, you may want to finish grooming with a brush.
Another issue to consider regarding facial hair cleanliness is keeping food out of your beard or mustache while eating and drinking. For those new to wearing facial hair, this is something to keep in mind until you have developed good habits. After finishing a meal, be sure to discreetly wipe or comb out any crumbs or items that have made their way into your facial hair. Certain styles may be more prone to collecting food than others, so use caution and good judgment-- especially when trying to impress someone on a date, in the office, or at a formal event.
The information contained herein is to be used for educational purposes only. The author is not a medical professional, and this information should not be considered medical advice. This information should NOT be used to replace consultation with or treatment by a trained medical professional. The listing of a medication herein does not imply endorsement by the author.
Facial hair FAQ for Trans Men
Will I be able to grow a beard or mustache?
Will shaving my face make my beard grow in thicker or faster?
Will facial hair dye make my facial hair appear thicker/denser?
Will minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) enhance my facial hair growth?
What about using things like fake facial hair, makeup, or theatrical techniques?
Styling facial hair: sideburns, mustaches, and beards
Sideburn styles
Mustache styles
Beard styles
Growing facial hair
Trimming facial hair
Keeping facial hair clean
This section summarizes basic facts and myths about facial hair growth, describes and shows different styles of beards, mustaches, and sideburns, and considers how facial hair styles might best augment certain facial features to enhance a masculine look. Pointers on growing, maintenance, and care of facial hair are also provided.
Facial hair FAQ for Trans Men
Will I be able to grow a beard or mustache?
The answer to this question appears to depend mainly on your genetic makeup (i.e., the tendencies for growing facial hair that you were born with) and how long you have been on testosterone therapy. This mirrors the process that non-trans men go through when growing facial hair-- it depends on their individual tendencies for growing facial hair, as well as the length of time that has passed since they began growing facial hair during puberty.
Regarding the genetic component, there is considerable variance in both the developmental pace and the quantity that different men are able to grow facial hair. Some men grow thick facial hair in a relatively short period of time after reaching puberty or starting testosterone therapy, while others may never be able to grow a full beard or mustache in their lifetime. Some men grow substantial facial hair only in certain areas (such as the sideburns or chin), but are unable to ever grow a full mustache or grow more than a few hairs on their cheeks. Some may notice patchy or bald areas in an otherwise full beard, or sideburns that never grow in fully. These varying developmental patterns seem to be largely related to inherited traits-- though keep in mind that a guy may not be able to accurately predict his own facial hair growth based on that of his male relatives. Just because a man's dad or brother grows a thick beard or mustache doesn't necessarily mean that his own facial hair growth will be the same.
Regarding the length of time on testosterone therapy, there will be some variance depending on the individual, but generally facial hair tends to thicken and develop over a period of years rather than over just a few months. This is similar to any man who has gone though puberty--typically, some facial hair begins to develop in the early months of puberty, but it often takes a number of years to begin to grow facial hair in a pattern substantial enough to grow a full beard or a full mustache. Some men begin with only sparse facial hair in their teens and early twenties, but find that their beards have thickened and filled out by their late twenties or early thirties. There are individuals who grow facial hair quickly and densely, but most guys develop over time. For those who have been on testosterone for only a short time, patience is key when trying to grow a beard-- it may take several years.
Will shaving my face make my beard grow in thicker or faster?
No, shaving will not make your facial hair grow in any thicker or faster, though it may feel that way.
There are a couple of reasons why your hair might feel like it is growing in thicker after shaving. First, hair tends to be thicker and darker near the root and becomes thinner/wispier near the end of the hair as it grows out. When you shave a hair, you are cutting it close to the thicker root end, creating a much shorter hair with a sharper edge close to the skin's surface. This leaves a stiffer "stubble" effect when you rub your face in the day or two following your shave. Once the hair grows out, it will begin to feel softer again.
There are a lot of people who swear that shaving their hair causes it to grow in thicker, darker, and faster. However, if this were true, wouldn't every man, woman, or boy who shaved his or her face be able to grow a full beard? Many men shave each day precisely because their facial hair is patchy and they cannot grow a full beard! If the myth about shaving causing beard growth were true, all people who shave their faces regularly would soon develop full beards, and that is simply not the case.
Will facial hair dye make my facial hair appear thicker/denser?
Using facial hair dye to try to make your facial hair look thicker/denser might work if you already have some substantial growth, but if your facial hair is still very thin and wispy, coloring it probably won't be very effective. You can certainly color thin, wispy hairs, but in general this will not produce the look of an adult beard or mustache. It may create a shadowy look on your upper lip or cheeks, like a teenage boy who has just started to grow facial hair. If the hair is very fine, the color won't take well and will be barely visible.
If you have started to grow numerous thick whiskers, but some of them are coming in blonde, then using a facial hair dye might help help make your hair appear more dense. If you choose to dye your facial hair, use a product that has been designed specifically for use on the face (such as "Just for Men" for mustache, beard, and sideburns or a similar product), and follow all directions on the package to avoid allergic reactions or rashes. Also, choose a color that is similar to the facial hair you already have, or to the hair color on your head.
In general, dyeing your facial hair is only worthwhile if it will enhance the substantial growth you already have; it might end up looking worse or unnatural if your hair is too fine and too sparse. If you are unsure of how dye will look, grow your facial hair out for a while, and then do a test run, following the directions for the product you have chosen. If the results do not look good or realistic, simply shave off the hair..
Will minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) enhance my facial hair growth?
While minoxidil has been approved for increasing hair growth on the top of the head, it has not yet been marketed or tested specifically for facial hair growth. However, there have been anecdotal reports regarding increased beard growth with application of minoxidil (see the minoxidil discussion on the Beard Board for details). When considering anecdotal reports about minoxidil use on facial hair, it should be noted that trans guys who are not on testosterone therapy would probably not show comparable results to post-pubescent non-trans men or trans men who have been taking testosterone for some time. It should also be noted that anecdotal reports are not the same as clinical medical evidence, and thus the reader should proceed with caution and speak to their doctor for specific medical advice.
The exact process by which minoxidil causes its results is not fully understood, but it has been shown to stimulate head and body hair growth in some people. Women who use minoxidil for scalp hair loss are cautioned to avoid application to the face in order to avoid unwanted facial hair growth; this would indicate that increased facial hair growth via topical minoxidil is indeed possible, though to what degree (i.e., how much hair growth, and the thickness and quality of the new hair) remains largely unstudied.
Minoxidil was first used in tablet form as the drug "Loniten," an antihypertensive, to treat high blood pressure. An unexpected side effect of Loniten was that some patients experienced excessive hair growth. As a result, a topical solution of minoxidil was developed for application directly on the scalp to stimulate hair growth. This product is marketed in the United States as "Rogaine," though it can also be obtained under other names and as a generic. It typically comes in 2% and 5% solution, usually as a lotion or foam. Topical minoxidil does not require a prescription; it can be purchased over the counter in many drugstores.
When used on the scalp, minoxidil requires twice-a-day application, and it may take from 3 to 6 months for the user to see an effect. Again, minoxidil is not approved for use on the face, so it is unclear if the dosing for the scalp is appropriate for use on the face. It stands to reason that results from minoxidil would probably take at least several months of continued application. Caution should be exercised when using any medication, and questions or concerns should be directed to your doctor or dermatologist.
Another word of caution for those considering minoxidil for facial hair growth: there have been anecdotal reports of additional hair growth in places other than where the drug was applied, such as the chest, back, abdomen, and unusual facial hair growth by some users (i.e., very high on the cheeks just under the eyes). Some of this growth can continue well after discontinuation of minoxidil. If these risks are a concern, you may not wish to use minoxidil.
Common side effects of minoxidil include skin irritation, itch, contact dermatitis, hives, swelling, and sensitivity. Rare side effects include blurred vision, chest pain, decreased libido, difficulty in maintaining an erection, fast or irregular heartbeat, flushing, headache, lightheadedness, numbness or tingling of the hands, feet, or face, or rapid weight gain.
What about using things like fake facial hair, makeup, or theatrical techniques?
Using fake facial hair or makeup to create a realistic-looking beard, mustache, and/or sideburns can be a very difficult and/or expensive project. While you may be able to create facial hair that looks good from a distance, it may be far less convincing up close, or when touched.
Using makeup to create the look of a five o'clock shadow or sideburns, or to enhance the thickness of existing facial hair, can be easily detected at close range. Makeup also can be worn off from sweat or oils, and can be smudged or rubbed off when touched.
Fake theatrical paste-on beards and mustaches can be found in costume shops, but are usually not very realistic. More expensive facial hair pieces that are made of real human hair (usually woven onto some type of fine lace backing that is to be glued to the face) can still be detected upon close inspection, and also don't tend to feel realistic.
Some theatrical makeup artists create more realistic looking facial hair by cutting fake hair (usually purchased in braid form) into individual whisker- or stubble-length pieces, and then attaching those loose pieces to the face with an adhesive called "spirit gum." For extra realness, sometimes more than one color of fake hair whiskers are mixed together. Using this process, it can take hours to create a convincing look, depending on the style you are applying. Additionaly, quality hair, adhesive, and adhesive remover can be quite expensive. While this method may create a better result than a one-piece paste-on, it still is not very realistic to the touch (the glue can be tacky even after drying), the hairs can easily fall off or be rubbed off, and it can be difficult to continue to re-create the same pattern day after day.
Finally, there are logistical issues to consider. If you suddenly appear one day with a full mustache or beard after having very little facial hair, people will wonder where it came from! Additionally, if you wish to be taken seriously as a guy, wearing obviously fake facial hair will probably have the opposite effect than what you are hoping for.
In general, while it may be fun to try out these techniques at home or for theatrical purposes, fake facial hair takes a lot of effort and tends not to look or feel realistic for everyday purposes. Give your hair some time to grow in by itself. Be patient, and if all else fails, remember that many guys simply don't tend to grow full beards.
Styling facial hair: sideburns, mustaches, and beards
The following sections provide examples of facial hair styles for the three main areas of the face: the sideburns (in front of the ears), the mustache (the upper lip), and the beard (cheeks, jawline, and neck). Basic hints are provided in each section for choosing a facial hair style to best suit certain facial features, such as a receding hairline, a soft chin, a round face, etc. When choosing a style, consider your facial hair patterns as well as your facial shape, facial features, and hair type-- not all styles will look good on all people. When in doubt about choosing a style, consult with your barber or hair stylist.
Sideburn styles
Sideburns are the area of facial hair that grow down the sides of the face, in front of the ears. They can be worn alone or can connect the hair of the scalp with the rest of the facial hair. (NOTE: Sideburns are not formed from scalp hair grown long and styled downward to cover the sides of your face. If your sideburns have not grown in yet, simply keep your sideburns short until you can grow them-- don't try to create a sideburn "look" with hair from your temples.)
Sideburns can be worn in many different ways: mid-ear level, ear lobe level, or all the way down to the jawline or chin level. They can be cut in a narrow strip, or left very wide. The hair length of sideburns can be cropped very close to the face or allowed to grow to a more bushy length. Sideburns can also be shaped and cut creatively. A few illustrations of the variation in sideburn possibilities are shown below.
Care should be taken when shaping and trimming sideburns to make them even on both sides.
In general, shorter haircuts tend to feature shorter sideburns, and longer cuts feature longer sideburns, though there is always room for creativity if you want to go with a non-standard look. Longer sideburns can help balance a face with an unusually long chin (usually paired with a longer neck-edge in a hair cut), and shorter sideburns can balance a short or or weak chin (usually paired with a shorter neck-edge in a hair cut).
There are many possible variations with sideburns (you can even cut designs into them), but not many widely-recognized style names. Of course, there are always locally-known names for certain styles, or sideburns fashioned after certain celebrities or popular sports figures of the day, but few sideburn terms are as commonly known as the "mutton chop" and the lesser-known "friendly-mutton chop," both illustrated below.
Mutton chops
The most widely-known style name for sideburns is the mutton chop. Mutton chops are typically grown wide and long; some reach down as far as the chin line. They can be bushy or trimmed close to the face, but in general tend to be longer and wider than a traditional long sideburn.
Friendly mutton chops
This is a variation of the mutton chop where the sideburns are grown across the face to meet with a mustache on both sides, creating a continuous line of facial hair. The chin is left clean shaven.
Mustache styles
A mustache refers to the growth of facial hair in the area above the upper lip. Mustaches can be worn alone, or integrated into beards. They can be trimmed thin or wide, worn long or short in hair length, and the ends of the mustache can be turned up, turned down, or cut straight across. They can be continuous across the lip, or "divided" (hair styled to either side of the center). Certain styles require styling wax and/or twisting of the hairs at the edges, but these tend to be less common in this historical moment.
When styling your mustache, keep in mind that small details in the shaping can make a difference in effect. If the corners of a mustache are turned slightly down, this can give a droopy effect, while if the corners are turned upward slightly, this can look either cheerful or a bit clownish, depending on the steepness of the curve. Straight lines are generally neutral and neat in appearance. Unless you are going for a very bushy style or are compensating for a bald head with a very heavy mustache, the hairs of the mustache should not project over the edge of the upper lip.
A mustache can be worn to balance certain facial types and features. Consider the size of the nose, the size and length of the mouth, the shape of the face, and the area above the upper lip when styling your mustache. A person with a very prominent nose might consider a medium to large-sized mustache. Someone with coarse facial features or a large area between the upper lip and nose might consider a heavy mustache. For someone with a long, narrow face, or with more refined features, a thin mustache can be becoming. A short, thin mustache is appropriate for someone with an extra-small mouth. For a wide mouth and/or prominent upper lip, a heavy handlebar or large divided mustache can work well. An extra large mouth might choose a pyramidal-shaped mustache. A rounded face looks good with a semi-square mustache, while a square face looks good with a linear mustache with slightly rounded edges curving down. On a very long face, a mustache can add balance. If you have a small or weak chin, you might not want to wear a mustache alone (without an accompanying beard or goatee), as it will make the chin seem even smaller.
Try some of the suggestions above when styling your mustache, and experiment to find what is most becoming for your facial features. When in doubt, ask your barber or hair stylist for advice on styling your mustache. A number of mustache styles are illustrated below, but they are only a handful of possible styles and variations.
If your facial hair is not yet very thick on your upper lip, you may wish to continue shaving it off until it has filled in enough to wear a decent mustache. A thin, wispy mustache tends to make you look like a teenage boy, so unless that is the look you are going for, keep shaving until the hair thickens and gains density.
A thick and wide mustache, usually worn long to cover the top border of the upper lip.
A narrow mustache with long points bent or curved steeply upward. Named for artist Salvador Dali.
A narrow divided mustache that begins at the middle of the upper lip, with long whiskers pulled to either side of the center. The areas beyond the corners of the mouth are typically shaved.
Fu manchu
A mustache that begins on the upper lip and whose whiskers are grown very long to extend down each side of the mouth to the to jaw. The areas just past the corners of the mouth are shaven, thus differentiating this style from the "horseshoe" (see below).
A handlebar mustache can be worn large or small ("petit handlebar"); it is characterized by the fact that it is bushy and must be worn long enough to curl the ends upward, which is usually achieved with styling wax.
A full moustache with vertical extensions grown on the corners of the lips and down the sides of the mouth to the jawline, resembling an upside-down horseshoe. The whiskers grown along the sides of the mouth in the horseshoe are sometimes referred to as "pipes." Not to be confused with the "fu manchu" which is grown long from the upper lip only-- the sides remain shaven in the fu manchu.
A large mustache growing from both the upper lip and cheeks, whiskers from the cheeks are styled pointing upward.
A mustache similar to the "painter's brush," but with corners angled slightly, resembling the shape of a lampshade.
See "pencil."
Painter's brush
A thick mustache covering the width of the mouth, usually worn short, with slightly rounded corners.
A thin, narrow, closely clipped mustache that outlines the upper lip. Pencil style mustaches can be trimmed in different manners (see below). Also sometimes called a "mouthbrow."
A general name for mustaches shaped narrow on top and wide on the bottom, like a pyramid. Pyramidal mustaches can be shaped in a variety of ways, as shown below.
A thick mustache, shaved to be about an inch wide in the center.
A large, bushy, droopy mustache that hangs down over the lips, often entirely covering the mouth.
Beard styles
A beard refers to facial hair grown on the jawline, chin, cheeks, or neck area (and any combination of those areas). Beards can be worn with or without mustaches or sideburns. Like mustaches, they can be worn in a variety of styles, with long or closely clipped hair, and they can be shaped in many different ways around the mouth, nose, cheeks, and neck. Certain styles require styling products, but most do not and simply require periodic grooming and maintenance to maintain neatness.
Mustaches can be worn as an integrated part of the beard, or as a separate entity that is styled on its own. Likewise, sideburns can also be integrated or separate from a beard, depending on the style.
The style of beard that you choose should suit your facial features and your patterns of facial hair. For example, if you have trouble growing hair on your cheeks but not on your chin, a goatee style may work well for you. If you cannot grow a mustache but can grow hair along your jawline and chin, you might consider some variation of a jawline beard.
As for balancing facial features, beards can go a long way in helping masculinize a soft jawline or a weak chin. Those with triangular-shaped or diamond shaped faces (which tend to have narrow jaws and small chins) may benefit from a full beard, which adds weight to the jaw and chin. Those with square faces should style and trim their beards to slenderize to face, and those with round faces should also style their beards to make give the face a more narrow, oval appearance. A receding chin can be concealed by a full beard or a carefully clipped goatee or circle beard, and a protruding chin can be minimized by short beard and mustache cropped close to the face. A large nose, narrow lip, or high forehead can be offset by a mustache paired with a soul patch. Receding hairlines and bald heads can be balanced with a close clipped full beard, circle beard, or van dyck.
If you have a weak jawline, a dark-colored beard will add definition, but those with very light colored hair should be aware that lighter-colored beards can sometimes create shadows that result in a softer profile. Similarly, dark stubble can help mask a double chin or weak jaw, but light stubble can worsen the problem.
Finally, beards can offset a red or ruddy complexion, and can help cover blemishes or scars.
In addition to your facial features, it is wise to also consider your occupation and lifestyle when choosing a beard type. If you work in a job that does not allow beards because of health or safety reasons, or in an office that only allows conservative styles, you'll have to act accordingly. Also consider the amount of work you want to put into your beard-- if you are not a fan of frequent trimming and grooming, you may wish to pick a style that is relatively easy to maintain.
Listed below are only a few of many possible beard styles, and there are often numerous variations within the styles included here. Some will be better suited for certain facial types and personalities than others. When in doubt, ask your barber or stylist for advice on a beard style that will suit your face and lifestyle. Don't be afraid to experiment-- the beauty of facial hair is that it grows back fairly quickly, and you can always shave it off if it doesn't please you.
A chin beard that is grown long into a point and styled with an accompanying mustache to resemble the shape of a ship's anchor.
A wide chin beard that covers the chin as well as a small area beyond it, accompanied by a separated mustache.
A beard that covers the chin and stretches back along the jawline ending at the ears. Not to be mistaken for a "chinstrap" which extends to include the sideburns.
Chin curtain
A longer beard grown only along the lower portion of the face, covering the chin and following the jawline.
A beard consisting of long sideburns that come forward along the jawline to meet under the chin, resembling the chin strap of a helmet. Also sometimes called a Donegal.
Circle Beard
Facial hair consisting of a chin beard and mustache connected by hair along the sides of one's mouth, thus forming a circle. Also called a "door knocker." Sometimes referred to as a "goatee," though technically the goatee refers only to hair growing on the chin area, not the mustache.
See "circle beard."
Flavor saver
See "soul patch."
Full beard
A beard characterized by coverage on all areas of the face: upper lip, chin, sides, and sideburns. A full beard can have either a styled or integrated mustache, and can be clipped close or grown long. There are many possible variations of the full beard.
A wide, full beard with a rounded bottom and integrated mustache.
A beard formed by hair grown only on the chin area.
A beard with integrated mustache that is worn on the lower part of the chin and jaw area, without connecting sideburns.
Jawline Beard
A beard that is grown from the chin along the jawline. Can refer to a "brett," a "chinstrap," or a "chin curtain," which are all variations of jawline beards.
Old Dutch
A large, long beard, connected by sideburns, that flares outward in width at the bottom, without a mustache.
See "soul patch."
See "spade."
Soul patch
A small tuft of hair under the lower lip. Also called a "royale" or a "flavor saver."
A large, long beard, connected by sideburns, without a mustache. Also called a "Shenandoah."
Very short facial hair of only one or a few days growth. Can be worn all over the face as a result of not shaving, or can shaped and maintained by using a beard trimmer at a very low setting.
Van Dyck
A goatee accompanied by a mustache; usually the two are not connected.
A short, full beard with rounded bottom accompanied by a prominent mustache.
Growing facial hair
Once you've developed plenty of facial hair and decide you are ready to grow a decent mustache or beard, begin by growing your facial hair out for about four weeks without trimming any of it. (The exception to this is if you are only growing a mustache, in which case you can continue to shave your neck, sides, chin, and cheeks if you must-- but leave plenty of leeway around your mouth so you can properly trim and shape your mustache when the time comes.) If you work in a job where the scruffy look is frowned upon, you may wish to start growing your beard or mustache out while on vacation (or, if it is permissible, explain you are growing your beard and will trim it to a neater presentation in a few weeks). If you absolutely must trim before the end of the four weeks, shaving just the neck can give a neater look. Don't shave too close to the jawline, however, as you will want to shape that area once the beard has grown out.
When the four week growing period is over, you can begin to define your neckline, cheek line, and mustache or goatee lines with a razor or an electric beard trimmer on its lowest setting. A single blade razor will offer better control than a multi-blade, as will a straight razor if you know how to use one (see the shaving page for more details on shaving technique and razors). Do not over-trim at this stage! You can always cut a little more off, but you can't add it back on once you've clipped it.
Once you have defined the lines of your beard or mustache, then decide the length you would like and trim it accordingly (details on how to trim your facial hair are included in the next section). If you are aiming for a longer or fuller beard style, continue to let it grow while maintaining your previously-constructed outlines.
Another option after the four week growth period is to allow your barber to do the initial styling of your beard or mustache. If you choose this option, be sure to have a good conversation beforehand to ensure you get a style and result you are happy with. Once your barber has created the initial outlines and style of the beard, you can maintain the beard at home by keeping it neat and trimmed.
Trimming facial hair
Once you've grown and styled your beard or mustache the way you like it, you will then have to maintain it with periodic trimming. Depending on the length and style of the beard, this may be something you need to do every day (for very short beards) or every couple of weeks (for very long and undefined beards). Most beards and mustaches will need trimming every few days, or every week at the least.
You'll need the proper tools to maintain your facial hair. Depending on your preference and your style of facial hair, you'll need an electric beard trimmer or a scissors and comb (or both). Also necessary are a good mirror, proper lighting, and a razor to maintain the outlines of your style.
If you opt for the scissors and comb method of trimming, choose a pair of barber's scissors if possible-- they are sharp and designed to cut hair. You may also wish to purchase a fine-toothed mustache comb, as well as a wider-toothed comb for your beard. Look for combs that are designed for hair trimming or beard trimming, as they tend to be narrower than head-hair combs and easier to use over different parts of the face.
If you opt for an electric trimmer, be sure to purchase one that is specifically for beard and mustache trimming. Electric clippers that are used for haircuts tend to be too wide for effective use on the face. Depending on your preference, you may choose a cordless, corded, rechargeable, or battery-operated model. Look for a trimmer with numerous length-guide attachments, so you'll have several options.
While any maintenance shaving around your beard's outlines and neckline will require wetting the face and hair for shaving (see the shaving page for details on shaving technique), the actual trimming of your beard or mustache should be done while the hair is dry. This is because wet hair will tend to appear longer, and as such you risk trimming too much when your hair is wet. For this reason, you should trim your beard and mustache first and maintain your beard's outlines afterward, especially if you are using a wet razor to shave your neck or cheeks. (An exception to this rule is during the initial shaping of your beard and mustache from raw material, after your four week growth period. At that time you will probably want to define the shape of your beard first and then trim afterward, letting the hair dry before trimming if you used a wet razor for shaping.)
If you use the comb and scissors method for trimming, comb through your facial hair and cut the hair on the outside of the comb to the length you desire. Start slowly and practice carefully until you get the hang of it. It is better to trim conservatively at first; you can always trim off a little more, but you can't add it back once you've clipped it. To make sure you keep a good balance between the two sides of your face, maintain a systematic approach. Start from the chin working toward the ear on one side, then from the other ear back to the chin on the other side. Don't jump around from place to place. The same reasoning applies to the mustache: first comb the mustache down, then trim from the middle toward one side, and then from the other side back to the middle. Look straight ahead into the mirror whenever possible to maintain balance between the two sides of the face.
If you are using an electric trimmer, choose the length-guide that is most appropriate for the area of the beard or mustache you are trimming. As with scissors trimming, it is better to start conservatively until you know which attachment is best. Use a longer guide and work your way down to shorter guides until you find the proper length. As with scissors and comb trimming, make sure you keep a good balance between the two sides of your face and maintain a systematic approach. Start from the chin working toward the ear on one side, then from the other ear back to the chin on the other side. Don't jump around from place to place. The same reasoning applies to the mustache: first comb the mustache down, then trim from the middle toward one side, and then from the other side back to the middle. Look straight ahead into the mirror whenever possible to maintain balance between the two sides of the face.
Once you have trimmed your mustache and beard to your satisfaction, then you can maintain the outlines using your razor or trimmer set on its lowest setting.
If you have chosen an electric trimmer, don't forget to read your owner's manual and learn to properly maintain your clipper. Keep it clean and lubricate as directed to keep it in proper working order.
Keeping facial hair clean
Just like the hair on your head, your facial hair needs to be washed regularly. A mild shampoo is better to use on facial hair than bar soap, which will tend to dry your skin. Shampooing your beard is best done in the shower so that you can rinse it thoroughly. If your beard feels very coarse and dry after washing, try applying a conditioner after shampooing-- be sure to rinse well. There are special shampoos and conditioners designed for facial hair; some may find them helpful, but they are not strictly necessary. Comb your beard and mustache to remove tangles, and gently pat your beard dry with a towel when finished. If you wear a very long or thick beard, you may want to finish grooming with a brush.
Another issue to consider regarding facial hair cleanliness is keeping food out of your beard or mustache while eating and drinking. For those new to wearing facial hair, this is something to keep in mind until you have developed good habits. After finishing a meal, be sure to discreetly wipe or comb out any crumbs or items that have made their way into your facial hair. Certain styles may be more prone to collecting food than others, so use caution and good judgment-- especially when trying to impress someone on a date, in the office, or at a formal event.
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